Juniper's Intelligence

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Have you caught on with the theme in this part of the book?
Also, I'm sorry for the late update, I've been trying to get ideas for chapter 52 (this is chapter 45) and nothing is coming up, if any of you have ideas at ANY point in time of this book PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU! Tell me!

Last time a writers block this big happened in a story, Alec got you want me to kill someone in this chapter?! Someone important?! Maybe a certain Blonde?
    I had to get out of the house, and when I did I found out about Clary's disappearance. I searched for her with Kasey, we've gotten closer. We set up groups to go looking for her. I look up and see Jace and Jonathan come I to takis.
      "Finally! Where have you been?!" Kasey ask.
     "At home, with everyone else," Jace says. "What's the evidence you have?"
"None, except that Clary disappeared from the park at night. We also found Clary's shoe, but it was in a parking slot at a Walmart across the city, we should keep looking," I say.
"Then what the hell are we doing here?! Let's go!" Jace then walks out of takis, i guess we leave now in the groups we We're in before, Roxy and Pixy, Izzy and Simon, Magnus and Alec, Jonathan and Daphne, and Kasey and I. We walk out of takis and start our normal routes. I sigh as we walk the same rout.
    "I don't know why we keep walking the same rout, it's stupid and a waste of time," I say, rolling my eyes. "The psycho cold be around the world by now, he wouldn't just be here, that's stupid!"
"Or genius," I look at Kasey with my eyebrow raised. "Well, yeah, I mean, what kidnapper do you know that stayed in the same place making it look as if they left? Very few!" Kasey says. I sigh sadly.
"I don't know... I shouldn't be complaining, at least this takes my mind off my....Stephan,"
"Stop it!" Kasey suddenly says. "He might not be your biological father, but he watched you grow, he loved and cared for you!" Kasey says. "So he is your dad, he isn't Stephan! He is your dad!" I look at Kasey as he says this. He has been so supportive, he's tried to help me through this, he has stayed and has been so nice to me, and now he's telling me not to give up hope on family. I pull him into my embrace and kiss him. He gasps and freezes in surprise, then he swoops my waist up into his arms. I pull away and look at Kasey.
"Thank you," I whisper. Kasey smiles shyly.
"You don't have to thank me,"

Veronica had come back in a few minutes ago, but she wouldn't say a word, she came back crying. Which was slightly shocking. More tears rolled down my cheeks as I hear more cries and noises indicating someone was getting hit, Veronica finally looked up at me. "They're girls..." Veronica says. I look back up at her.
"What?" I ask.
"Little....girls," Veronica says as she starts to cry hard. "I thought it was just me, I always thought it was just me..." I look at Veronica in horror. Veronica wipes her cheeks and looks me straight in the eyes as she says "Sebastian is making a prostitution ring out of little girls."

DW tho, I won't get into the sick thing Sebastian is doing, I just wanted you to know how sick this situation is, anyways, byeeeeeee

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