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I pull away from Roxy. "No," I say.
"What?" Roxy asks.
"'re a nice girl...and you're broken, you're looking for comfort that i can't give you," i explain. "You can't seek comfort in someone twice as broken as you are...I'm in love with Juniper...and're my friend, you're not anything other than that. Roxy stares at me. Then she looks away.
"Oh god,"she says and then starts laughing. "I'm so sorry,"she says and laughs harder in hysteria. "I mean....i got dumped....and I'm so torn...."she breaks off into laughs. "That I'm kissing one of my best friends,"she laughs more and then calms down. "She broke up with life is falling apart,"Roxy says. Tears cloud her eyes. "Somehow, at sometime....Phoenix Pixette Weber, made herself the center of my life..." Roxy says. "Oh god," she says.

I kept making coffee's with Pixy. "So you broke it off with her because you're family will take you back?" I ask Pixy.
"Yes," Pixy says.
"But You told her you found another girl?" I ask.
"Because Roxanna Taylor is stubborn! She would make me see that my sexuality is important and that I have to see that if my family doesn't see me for me then that's their own problem!"
"Sounds like you're already convinced," I say.
"I am..but I love my dad...and Dakota and my mom...and I want them back," Pixy says. Jace and Juniper then come into the coffee shop. Juniper had tear stained cheeks.
"Give me two hot chocolates, please?" Jace says.
"What happened?" I ask. Jace and Juniper look at each other.
"She had a panic know...since exams are coming up...she gets those," Jace says. He pays for the hot chocolates and then takes them. Juniper sighs and looks at me.
"Hey, Jonathan...are you busy Friday?" Juniper asks.
"Uh, no, Why?" I ask.
"I wanted to know if you wanted to go see a movie? It's a stupid girly movie but one wants to see t with will you?" Juny asks.
"Which one?"
"Midnight sun," Juny says. I take a deep breath and look at Juniper.
"What The hell," i say. "Sure I'll take you," I say happily. Juny smiles and goes sit with Jace.
"You're going on a date with Jace's little sister?" Pixy asks.
"It's not a date..."
"Really? Because Midnight sun has romance spelled all over it," Pixy says.
      "So? Clary and Izzy See Romantic movies all the time, it doesn't mean they're dating," I say.
      "Sure, Whatever," Pixy says. "Just don't be surprised when she kisses you," I roll my eyes and keep making coffee. "Just be careful with her... she's fragile," Pixy says.
      "I will, she's Jace's sisters, if I'm not careful with her he'll kick my ass," i say.
    "I'm serious gentle," she says.
    "Ok! I got it, don't worry," I say.

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