Don't mess with his girl

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I kept looking for Clary, but I couldn't find her. I finally spot her in the kitchen. I walk towards the kitchen. Then I see a boy grab Clary's butt and squeeze it. Clary gasps and turns around. She slaps his face. The guy grabs her butt again and pulls her towards him. I march up to them. I grab Clary's shoulder and pull her away from him. Then I punch the guy. Everything went silent. "Get.Out." I said. And with that, everyone left. Clary was staring at me. I was still angry. So I went to my temporary room and slammed the door shut.

We went back home on Tuesday. I was bored out of my mind. I grab my leather Jacket and walk outside. I say on the grass and waited. The Herondales house opened. Imogene came out. "Clary?" She asks.
"Hello Imogene!" I say politely.
"Would you like to accompany me for lunch?" She asks kindly.
"I wouldn't want to be a bother," I say.
"Oh please! I would have my grandkids come with me, but Juniper's at a friends house, Justin already ate and busy," she says. I nod. "So, will you come?" She asks. I smile at her.
"Of course," I run across the street. Imogene then starts walking.
"Come along now, it's not far," she says. I nod and smile.
"How's Jace?" I ask. I haven't seen him in days.
"He's.......well," she says as she keeps walking. She sighs and looks at me. "Who am I kidding, He's broken. He has been for so long. Clary, I must tell you something." She says and stops walking. We were under a cherry blossom tree. "Take it as the word of a wise woman Clary. You must be there for the people you love, don't waste your time dear Child," Imogene says. "I learned that the hard way," she says and starts walking.
"What do you mean?" I ask. Imogene looks at me again and sighs.
          "Marcus, He was, he was the love of my life, we were fighting when it happened. Stephan was dating Celine. And he was happy. Marcus and I....we were fighting...then, one day. The house caught on fire. Marcus got me out of the house through the window as quickly as he could, since the stairs were up in flames. As I touched the ground i waited for him. He smiled at me, I guess he knew what would happen. He managed to tell me he loved me, before the whole house collapsed." Imogene says. "Marcus's body burned to ashes in the fire.....and one of the things I have regretted so much my whole life.....was not enjoying every second I had with him," she says. Imogene then finally looks at me. "The Point to this story, is that you can't waste time, it's too precious to be spent on deciding and thinking whether or not something is worth it or not, think rationally, but don't spend years dwelling on it," Imogene says. Then she walks inside the restaurant.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now