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   I kiss Jace back happily, he grabs my waist pulling me closer to him. I pull away in semi shock  as I realize that Jace is here at a late hour. "What are you doing here?" I ask.
    "Why are you in a onesie?" Jace asks with a grin. I blush profusely at Jace.
       "They're Comfy and warm and I didn't think my boyfriend would knock at my window." I say. Jace smiles, he then swings himself in.
       "I wasn't going to come....but..." He sighs in exhaustion. "Remember at the Herondale manor? When Courtney said that my mom was raped?" Jace asks.
       "Kinda hard to forget since you shut me out and I almost got raped," I say with a laugh. Jace then looks down at the floor with guilt and sadness. Guilt then kicks into me. "Ugh...I'm psychologist says that the dark dumb jokes are a coping mechanism" Ever since I woke up, I have to go see a shrink. Stupid PTSD.
       "'s ok," Jace says. "Anyways, long story short, Juny is an affair child...not a rape child," Jace says. "She cheated with some...plastic surgeon," Jace says as he rolls his eyes.
        "Our families are screwed as hell," I say. Jace laughs. 
         "Yeah, they are," Jace says. "Can I stay over?" I smile up at Jace.
      "Jace Herondale...are you asking for Asylum? Or for a cuddle buddy?" I ask.
    "Can't it be both?" Jace asks. He then picks me up and crashes with me on the bed, scaring the crap out of Twizzy. Jace and I laugh at the kitten and go back to our cuddle. Eventually I fall asleep in Jace's arms.

School was boring, like always. Except it was also stressful because Juny was there. I just stared at her all day. Wishing I was good enough for her. My life was so empty ever since Juniper broke it off. There was just no point to it. I was now in the auditorium, on the stage, doing my homework while the projectors blue light was shining on me. I keep solving the stupid equations. I'm not exactly supposed to be here since the auditorium is off limits for students. I guess it's just to keep horny high schoolers and drug addicts from meeting here. But I don't care that it's off limits. I need to feel something, and even if it's the small rush of getting in trouble, At least it's something. The back stage door opens, I look over to the door and see Roxy. She had her electric blue hair even darker, even more electric. It was in a wild punk ponytail. She dropped her backpack on the floor. We've been meeting each other here for tutoring...although she's been ditching on me ever since Pixy broke up with her. "Hey, long time no see," I say darkly.
"Yeah, Sorry..." Roxy murmurs.
"It's ok," She then sighs.
"Pixy broke up with me," she says. I smile at her sadly.
"Yeah, She told me...I'm sorry about that," I say.
"She...she said she found someone else," Roxy said sadly.
"Well...if it's any comfort, she made a mistake when she left you," I say. I then go back to the equations.
"Kasey?" Roxy asks. I look up at her curiously.
"What?"I ask. I was about to say something else when I get caught off by Roxy kissing me.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now