Getting caught

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Hey! one really said anything to help me......but, uh, don't worry, I won't kill anyone...I actually end up doing it too late now to say sorrrrryyyyy?
Also, I'm taking a month whole break, more details in my profile,
I wake up to the sound of birds. I groan softly and sit up on the bed. The cold air hits my chest harder than usual. I open my eyes and look down at my chest. I was naked, and covered with Hickies. Memories of yesterday flow into my mind. I look to my right and see Pixy's adorable face surrounded by her short pink hair. She looked so cute surrounded by blankets and pillows. I just lost my virginity.....and it was amazing! I sigh in content at that last part and fall lightly to the bed. She was so gentle with me, making sure I wanted to do this, and making sure to do things right. I remember how loud Pixy moaned last night and grin, I'm guessing she had a good time too. Pixy starts to stir, she opens her green eyes and looks at me. "Hey.." she whispers tiredly. I bite my lip and move towards her.
"Hey," I whisper back. I stare into her green eyes. She then reaches her hands out of her cocoon and brings my lips down to hers. I smile and kiss her back. She rolls on top of me, she breaks away and pets my hair softly.
"Do you wanna repeat yesterday's actions?" Pixy whispers. I look up at her and kiss her,
"Yes," I say in between kisses.

    I yawn as I wake up on the soft bed. My eyes then snap open as I remember last night. I sit up, the duvet falling into my lap exposing my naked body, and confirming my fear. I run my fingers through my black hair. I remember that after Roxy barraged in on me and Jonathan we left his house. We went to his apartment and got wasted. Then we started making our heatedly, and that's all I can remember....but if I'm naked on his bed, it's pretty obvious what happened....I lost my virginity.... I look over and don't see Jonathan on the other side of the bed, instead I see a note. I grab the note and read it.

Had to go get some stuff, I'll be there in a minute, just please stay...I need to talk to you,


    I take my fingers roughly through my hair again. He wants to talk?! Why?! Is he going to tell me I was bad in bed or something?! Then, I hear a knock at the front door. "Jonathan?" I hear my brother say. Justin? The hell is he doing here?! He can't see me here! Especially not like this! "Open the door! Or I'll come in! I need to talk to you," Justin says. The apartment was small, Justin could easily find me, so I get up and put on my clothes from yesterday. I then open the door and see Justin in front of me. "Juniper?!" Justin asks.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now