Movie Theater (2)

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Thank you for the names Panda444444
"You got it?" Clary asks.
"Yup, treat the costumers nicely, no sarcasm, not even when they complain about expenses, search up names on the system so that I can charge them, and deal with money correctly, give them what they want, don't be stupid, yup, I've got it," I say.
"Ok, good!" Clary says happily. She then looks towards the doors. "Crap! Costumers are Here, I engraved your name tag, and you have your uniform, so go and get changed!" Clary says as she shoves me into a storage room. I sigh and take off my jacket and shirt, I shove it into the duffle bag. I kick off my shoes and take off my jeans. I put on the black uniform pants and the white buttoned up shirt with the purple vest. I look at myself in the dirty mirror. I looked like a 500 year old vampire. I push back my sleeves and unbutton my colar that was choking me. I go back out and see Clary working with two costumers. One had blonde wavy hair, and the other had Straight brown hair
"Ok, you know what? We want him to serve us, not you," The brunette says. Clary looks at me she then backs off from the counter. I go to the cash register and get them their order. "Hi, I'm Montana," the brunette says.
"And I'm Kelsie!" The blonde says. I smile at them and give them their orders.
       "So, how old are you?" Montana asks.
      "Uh...I'm fifteen," i say awkwardly Montana and Kelsie then back away.
        "Oh! Mkay, bye!" Kelsie says as she walks away.
        "Guess You're too young for them," Clary says. "And since when do you have muscles?" She asks as she pokes my arms.
        "I don't have muscles," I say as I stand up straight. Clary's eyebrows go up.
        "Are you serious? Yours are like....bigger than Jace's!" She then looks at my arm sideways. "Actually no, Jace's are bigger...but still! You have muscles, you just hide them under your clothes," i sigh and run my hands through my hair. "How did you get those?" She asks as she points to my wrists. I look at them and see my cutting scars.
    "Honey," I say on reflex.
      "Honey? As in the sweet soft substance that comes from bee's?" Clary asks.
      "No, honey the cat, she would scratch me a lot," I say, Clary then gets busy with another costumer, forgetting about me, thank the angel.

    "Ok, Owen, remember, I'll be back by four, while you're in the movie theater you have to behave! And remember no kissing your cousin or anyone else!" My mom says as she keeps softening my clothes.
     "I know mom," I say as I back away. She sighs and looks at me.
     "Ok, you can go," She says. I walk into the theater with Max. We were going to watch incredibles 2 Together since my mom is busy. There was barley any people in the movie theater. We sit in the corner, away from everyone. We watch the movie, eating popcorn, our hands would brush and I would feel electric sparks go up my arm. Everyone thinks it's sick, and wrong, but that's how it happens, my mom makes me read books, I've read that when you're in love sparks fly up your body, your stomach turns when you see them, and the hairs on your neck stand up. That's what happens when I'm with Max. When we walk out of the movie theater there was a sea of people. Max grabbed my hand, shocking me. He pulled me out of the movie theater. I smile up at him when we get out, Max blushes at me and turns around.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now