Let The Boys Vent

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I was out in the garden to get some air when I see red catch my eye. I look towards the red and see Juniper in her red dress. She was on the swings looking at the floor. I walked towards her and sit down on the swing. "What You said to Janice and Robert....that was really cool," she says as she looks at me.
"Yeah, Thanks." I say softly with a small smile.
"You weren't serious with the whole beautiful thing were you?" Juniper asks.
"Something's are better left a mystery," I say as I stand up. "I need to go see if Pixy's ok," i say. She nods and swings herself lightly. I then go towards manor and up to Pixy's room.

I sat down on the small bench in the maze. Simon then sat next to me. It was extremely cold. And snow started to fall. I had put on a fluffy light pink coat. "You know, it was supposed to rain today, not snow, I guess the whether man got it totally wrong,"
"Simon, I don't want to lose you," I say as I look at him. His hair had some snow and so did his clothes. "I love you so much, and I want to stop fighting," I explain. "So, Will you take me back?" I ask nervously. Simon stares at me. My heart falls as i think he's gonna say no.
"Izzy, I love you too, and I'm sorry i freaked out and laughed at you..."Simon then knots his hand into my hair and pulls me into a kiss. I grab his hair the same way and kiss him harder.

      "She kissed you Alexander....KISSED YOU!" Magnus says as he paces around the room. Jonathan just looked at him as he sat on the bed, bored.
        "Magnus, don't be over dramatic," Magnus stops and stares at me wide eyed.
        "Over dramatic?! OVER DRAMATIC?! Is having your boyfriend kissed by some Candace Flynn Wannabe being over DRAMATIC!?" He asks. Kasey slips into the room. And sits down as Magnus keeps venting. "She kissed you, insulted Clary, like, Honestly the last thing she needed to do so that I would snap was throw glitter down the drain! WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS?! Cheryl Blossom?!" Jace then comes in.
         "What's going on?" He asks.
         "Little miss Hermione Granger KISSED MY BOYFRIEND!" Magnus yelled.
          "Oh please, that's the least of the problems people have in this room," Jace says as he takes off his shirt and puts on a pajama shirt.
        "Care to enlighten me then Regina George," magnus says.
         "Well, all night Jonathan was between two old ladies, Simon was stuck with Izzy, Kasey has god knows how many problems, and i had to watch my girlfriend be hit on by a fucking thirty eight year old, i also have damm Chlamydia which clary now knows about, OH! And let's not forget of the forty seven girls I screwed desperately trying to get over clary, yeah, those forty seven girls came back to bite me in the ass, especially fucking Jazzy!"

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now