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Jace and I walk hand in hand past stores with our coffee in hand. "How do you feel about kids?" I ask Jace randomly.
"Well, Like most seventeen year old boys I would prefer and unexploded bomb," Jace jokes. I roll my eyes and elbow him.
"You know that's not what I meant," i say.
"Well...if i ever want a child, I know one thing for a fact," I look up at Jace.
"What is that?" I ask.
"That I want to have kids with you," I stop walking and look at Jace. "I don't care what they are, boy, girl, human, Alien, Gay, straight,
Asexual, evil, good, beautiful, ugly, If it's ours, I'll love it no matter what." I look into Jace's golden eyes, and I kiss him. I then pull back.
"I-," I break off as I hear a whimper. I open my eyes and turn around. I see an alley way filled with trash and boxes and broken bottles. There was a closed basket that seemed to be moving. I inch towards it, Jace behind me. I flip off the lid with my foot carefully and see a small black cat with gorgeous blue eyes. It meows weakly. I then go towards it and grab the small kitten. It had fleas and smelled like sewage water, it was also deathly skinny. "Jace, we need to save it, it'll die here," I say as I look up at Jace.
"There's a pet store that does grooming, maybe they can help?" Jace shrugs. We walk into the pet store. It had red lights that read Pet Luv Mart. We walk in and see a big, tall guy with green hair and a hat on backwards.
      "Hey, how can I help you?" The guy asks.
       "Well, uh, we saw outside that you do grooming? We wanted to know if you could take this one?" I ask as I lift up the small kitten. The kitten meowed weakly. "We found him outside," I explain.
       "Oh, uh, yeah, Our groomer is actually grooming a puppy right now, but she should be done in like, two minutes, we also have low cost vaccines, who should be here in like, five minutes," the guy says. I nod. A woman then comes out from the back. She had blue and pink hair with tattoos on her arms.
      "Ok, Ellie and Darcy are all done, you can call their owner now Rafa," The woman says.
       "Uh, yeah, Do you think you can groom this one?" Rafa asks the groomer. The groomer takes the kitten away from me.
        "I found it in the alleyway," I explain.
        "Sure, I can take him, but that would be forty bucks,"The woman says. I nod in understanding. She then goes to the back.
         "Are you planning on keeping it?" Rafa asks.  
         "Well,yes I guess," I say as I glance at Jace. He shrugs. "My mom is going to kill me, but I can make it work," I murmur. "Do you know what cats need?" I ask Rafa.
       "Well, cat food, a bed, a litter box, litter supplies, two bowls, one for water the other for food, a few toys....and that's it," Rafa says. "Cats are easy to take care of," he explains.
        "What food Is the best?" I ask.
        "Taste of the wild, for both cats and dogs," he explains. I walk towards the cat section and grab all the supplies I need. I then walk up to the cash register and pay for them easily and quickly. I also pay for the grooming. I go outside and talk to the vet, I pay for all the shots the kitty will need. Then, the groomer comes up to me and hands me the kitten. I also payed for a flea medicine colar. I put the colar on as well as another one with a small blue bell to match the cats eyes. The vet then gives the kitty all its shots and gives me a folder with all the shot information on it. After we finish Jace, the kitty, and I start walking back to the manor, as I walk towards the manor I can only think about how my mother will kill me when she see's me come back from a coffee run with a kitten.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now