Jace's Regret

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I angrily go downstairs, it's been a week since I talked to clary, I've been totally shut off, but now, people are angrily knocking on the door. "WHAT?!" I ask as I opened the door, I see Jonathan outside the door.
"Where the hell have you been, man?!" Jonathan asks angrily. "We've been trying to call you, text you, where the hell are you?!" Jonathan asks.
"There's a reason I've been ignoring you! Now leave!" I say as I go to close the door. Jonathan slams his hand on the door.
"Clary's been missing for a week!" That gets my attention.
"What?!" I ask.
"Yes you idiot! She's gone! She's been kidnapped by god knows who,"
"How do you know she's been kidnapped?" I ask.
"They found some kind of sleeping drug all over a choker...clary's choker..." Jonathan says.
       "Where's everyone?!" I ask.
       "At Takis taking a break and going over evidence to see if we can find her," Jonathan says. I push him away and get on my bike. 
       "Meet me there," i say as I start the engine. Then I take off.

I wake up on a bed groggily. I open my eyes and see a blonde girl. "Clary....oh my god Clary!" The girl whispers. My vision clears and I see her, she had a white beanie and a white shirt with a baggy gray sweater and sweatpants with old granny Nike shoes. She had a nose piercing and a necklace.

 She had a nose piercing and a necklace

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    "Who are you?" I ask.
     "WOW! Unbelievable! You don't even remember the girl who tortured you throughout middle school! That's a new low for you Fray," my eyes widen.
       "Veronica?!" I ask as I try to go towards her, but something restrains me. They were chains. I look at her about to snap at her.
      "Don't even say anything! I have them too," she says showing me her chains. "I'll catch you up quickly, ok? I'm not even supposed to be talking with you...after you left I found out what Sebastian was planning, I was about to tell someone, the police or...someone, so he kidnapped me now I'm used as his.....his sex toy...but that's not important, you need to tell me...what's been going on outside...my police case...did they really close it?" Veronica asks.
      "I didn't even know you were gone, I thought you moved away or something....his sex toy? And what plan?" I ask.
      "Yes, Clarissa, his sex toy, he makes me do sexual things with him that's a sex toy," Veronica says.
        "You're so calm about it.." I say.
        "I learn to deal with it, I've learned to deal with shit all my life ok?! My mom wanted me to be a perfect little bitch, my father almost killed us, my brother does drugs, my sister is a hitwoman i can deal with a crazy rapist," Veronica says. All of a sudden I feel bad for Veronica.
        "And his plan?" I ask. Veronica was about to say something when the door opens.
        "Fuck! Go back to sleep! Just act as if you're asleep!" Veronica urges. I close my eyes and lie in the same position I was and close my eyes.
       "Ok, let's go Veronica," I hear Sebastian say. He opens he doors and un chains veronica, he puts cuffs on her. "Walk," Sebastian says. Veronica sighs and walks away.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now