All hell breaks loose (3)

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    "So?" Courtney asks as Roxy and Pixy stand there in front of everyone. "I think there's something more important than a dumb little relationship," Courtney says. Pixy's pink curls that were spiraled down stayed incredibly still. "Like the fact that someone in this room got raped."

     Junipers eyes widen. Did she get raped?? "Courtney," She says.
       "Shut up! You really thought no one would notice?"
       "Juniper?" Stephan asks. Juniper glances at Kasey. Anger courses through my veins.
        "You raped her?" Justin asks Kasey.
         "What?" Kasey asks.
        "Oh my dear Justin, she wasn't raped honey, she's the product of rape," Courtney says. I look at my mom. And so does every single Herondale. She was next to my grandmother looking down at the floor.

       I felt all eyes fall on me. "Celine?" I herd Stephan's voice, it was raw with emotion, it made me look up, only to see his beautiful golden eyes coated with heartbreak. "Where you really..." He trails off. This was exactly what I was afraid of, Stephan looking at me differently. Looking at me and juniper.
"Yes," I whisper. I then walk backwards and out the door. I can't stay there with everyone watching me.

"Dad?" I ask as I try to grab his arm. He moves it away.
"Don't touch me..." he then runs towards my mom. I follow my dad out the door, but then I turn and walk towards the swings. Kasey follows me out.
        "Juniper!" I whip around, my red skirt twirling as I do.
"I trusted you! I trusted you with something I haven't told anyone! And you told Courtney?! OF ALL PEOPLE?! You told her?! You just destroyed the relationship with my -, with Stephan! And maybe my mothers relationship with him!" I yell as I hit his chest.
"Juniper! I didn't tell her, I swear on the angel I didn't tell her anything! She may be my cousin, but that only insures my knowledge of how cruel she is, I would never ever tell anyone something that personal....especially about you," Kasey says. He then pulls me into him. "I know it's only been a week, and that this is reckless and stupid and whatever the hell you might think, but I like you, I like you more than I've ever liked anyone...and....i know you're beautiful," He whispers. I look up into his blue crystal eyes and I kiss him.

"You bitch!" I say as I try to go towards Courtney. Jace grabs my waist roughly, pulling me away from Courtney so I don't rip her face off. "You had no damm right to do that! I don't care who the hell you are! You had no right! Your mother left, I get it, but my father also left! And you don't see me going around kissing people asking them for sex and breaking other families apart!"
       "You're one to talk! Your mother is a home wrecker!" Courtney says.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now