Or is it? (Epilouge)

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A/N: I know Wharton is only three hours away from Washington DC ok!
     I slam the trunk shut with all the luggage Inside. My mom comes up from behind me and hugs me. "Mom....I'll be fine!" I say for the millionth time. "I'll be with Jace, and I'll be in college, I'll be fine I promise," i explain, my mother kept crying about how her baby was heading off to college. It's the same fiasco she pulled on Jonathan when he left.
"I know....I just....i can't believe you're leaving," my mom says In tears. "Now I'll just have Kasey to take care of," my mom sniffs.
"I know, but hey, don't worry, he can be a handful," I say with a smile. "Plus I'll visit you Christmas," I offer. My mom smiles and kisses my cheek.
"I love you Clary.....take care, ok...." my mom whispers.
"I promise I will," I say as I see Jace walk out of my house. He went to say goodbye to Luke and Kasey.
"Goodbye Jocelyn," Jace says as he hugs my mom.
"Take care Of her Jace," my mom tells Jace. He smiles a little sadly. Maybe he's just sad he has to leave home? Jace nods and then goes into the drivers seat.
"You ready?" Jace asks as I sit in the passenger seat.
"Yup..." I say with a smile.

After hours in the car we finally get to the Jons Hopkins parking lot. I grab my luggage and go outside. Jace closes the car door. "Ok, so they already gave me the room, and i have the keys right here... we just have to walk a little to get to our apartment," I explain with a smile. "Just grab your bags and we can go," I explain.
"I won't be needing them..." Jace says. I look up at Jace and raise an eyebrow.
"What?" I ask. "Jace, you should just grab them now...it'll be easier than going back and forth. Plus it will just clutter the car," I explain.
"That's not what I mean Clary," Jace says. His face was dead serious. Worry pumps through my veins. What now?
      "What happened?"
     "I got accepted at Wharton..." Jace says. The bags fell out of my hands.
      "B-but that's on the other side of the country," I stutter. I take a deep breath.
       "Yes Clary....that's why we have to end this before we get hurt," Jace says. My neck snaps up to look at him.
         "What?!" I ask Jace. "N-no! No we don't! We're Clary and Jace remember?! Y-you said that we...we survive everything...we can survive this Jace!" I say as tears start to sting my eyes.
        "Clary....I'm sorry...I Have to go...I don't want to leave things like this but...." the tears burst out of my eyes. Flowing down my cheeks as a choked sob slips out of my mouth.
       "Y-you're just gonna leave?! After everything we've been through?!" I ask. "After the hell We've gone through trying to be together..."
         "I'm sorry," Jace says. He kisses my head lightly. He then gets in the car and drives off, leaving me crying in the parking lot of my dream school.

That was a sad ending :(


Before you assasinate me,

There will be a forth book coming out, (this will 100% be the last one btw!)

Anyways, I know you waited a whole month a few (days? Weeks? Idk, some time ago, right now I'm still on my monthfull break,) ago, anyways, you will have to wait a week for it

But, the first chapter is up! So go check it out,

"...Forever" is what the fourth (and last) new book of the Ugly series is called, anyways, go check it out😉

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now