The Judge's decision

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I'm updating this chapter early to tell you that you can have an impact to where this story goes! Just follow me on Twitter so I can see what you guys want from this story!
My Twitter is Bella_SH13
   The judge takes off her glasses. "Well....this changes things....detective Macoy, I'm sure you can get to the bottom of this,"she says. She then slams the gavel. "Trial postponed until further evidence found," the judge says. I glare at Courtney as I get up, I don't care what Sebastian did or didn't do, he still almost raped me. I want him to go and rot in hell.

     I've noticed how tense everything has been since I got back home, my dad slept on the couch, Juniper stayed in her room, and no matter what my mom said, my grandmother would glare at her. We were eating dinner, and It was awkward as hell. It couldn't have been because my mother got raped...right? It couldn't be. Justin wasn't here, he was back in college with Daphne. My mom went for the pepper at the same time my dad did, he pulled away haistily. "Ok," I say as I drop my fork and knife. "What's going on?" I ask. "Are you seriously treating her like this because she got raped?! It wasn't her fault she got raped by some psycho!" I say angrily. Juniper gets up and drops her napkin on her plate. "Juny, I didn't mean that," i say guiltily, I'm an idiot for saying that, i just got so mad when my dad did that, it's so frustrating that he's treating her like she has the plague because she got raped.
     "Don't be," Juny says. She had a black long sleeved shirt that hugged her snugly with a gray beanie and dark blue jeans with black boots and her black, purple and pink hair. My dad sighs and looks at me.
     "Your mother wasn't raped....she cheated on me with a plastic surgeon...who worked on you to minimize your stab scars." My dad says.
"Are you serious?" I ask my mother. She looks down in shame. "Are you fucking serious?!" I ask. I shake my head as I run up the stairs. This has to be some sick joke! My mom cheated on my dad....

"Momma, Eric said that his parents are getting a divorce because his dad cheated on his mom..." I say. My mom sighs as she drops down to a crouch.
"Yes, well, baby, cheating is very wrong,"
"How Can you cheat on a person?" I ask.
"Well, when you start going out with two people at once, and telling them you love them and kissing them at the same time, that's called cheating,"
"But why is it bad? Doesn't that mean more friends?" I ask.
"No, because when you're someone's boyfriend you can't kiss or be romantic with anyone else, it's called being exclusive," My mom says.
I used to look up to my parents marriage, i looked up to it and i wanted that for me, i was jealous that they had a perfect relationship, but it wasn't, angel, my mom lied and hid a child from another man under his nose! And made My grandmother and Juny believe she was raped! Violated! I sigh as I open the window. I need some time out.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now