Scar story

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WARNING: THERE ARE TRIGGERING SUBJECTS IN THIS CHAPTER! SO PLEASE SKIP IT IF YOU GET EASILY TRIGGERED ALSO! PLEASE don't harm yourself! It's bad for you and there are other ways to release pain in your life!
Like writing
Exercise if you're desperate.
Idk, you do you, but don't use a blade...please!
And if you or someone you know is struggling with self harm/ depression, call this number!
Thank you!

Juniper takes a deep breath. "There's something that none of the boys in my family know," Juniper says. Tears flood her eyes.
"Juny, you don't have to-,"
"Shut up! I need to tell someone ok! And it has to be you," Juniper says. "On May eleventh 2003 my mom went out at night to go with her friends for dinner. She had spent all day with Jace Justin and.....and everyone else....My mom's friends canceled last minute so she went alone. As she came out of the restaurant, it was 9:36 PM, a man dragged her into an alleyway, and he stole all of my mom's cash, he then proceeded rape her-," Juniper breaks off crying. "Stephan Herondale is not my father.....not biologically," Juniper sobs. "My grandmother knows, but they never told my fa- Stephan, he was overjoyed when my mom found out she was pregnant, he didn't stop to think that it was absolutely impossible,"  Juniper keeps sobbing. "People, at-at my school somehow found out when I was in fifth grade. They would tell me...they would tell me that I was a mistake, that I was a sin, that I was the evidence to a crime. That I was nothing. I couldn't let any of the boys find out, so I tried my hardest to learn quicker so I could skip a few grades. I would study day and night, but with all the taunting in my head and all the crap I would get at school. It was too much. So I did it....I slit my wrists and much relief, and I fell into a deep dark hole of depression....." Juniper says. She wipes her tears. "Your go," She says. I take a deep breath.
      " one knows this...not the whole story at least." She looks at me. And I know I can trust this girl with tears streaming down her face. She's been through something similar, not the same but definitely similar.  "When I was born, my mother died. The doctors didn't catch the low possibility of her surviving giving birth to me. My father would always comfort me, he would play with me, laugh with me. Sometimes though, I would hear him cry. But I was so young I barley noticed it. There used to be a box, and if I touched that box my father would get furious, but other than that, he loved me." I explain.  "Then one day i came home from school, i was six at the time."

I open the door to my house and close it. I put my backpack on the floor. "Daddy daddy! Guess what I did today at school!" I say. I look up only to see the lights off. I saw a shadow on the tinted window that lead to the living room. I opened the door to the living room, I had so many plans for today, dad had been at work all month, so I wanted to get some alone time. "Daddy?" I ask as I go in. There, in the corner of the room, I see a fallen stool, a rope tied onto the ceiling, and hanging from the rope, was my father. I ran towards him, tears flossing down my face. "Daddy!?" I ask as I grab his hand. It was cold. I see an envelope on the floor. The envelope said "suicide note" I opened it and started reading it.

Dear whoever cares,
I did kill myself, i spent a good six years suffering in pain, raising my wife's murder. Watching him live instead of Emily Was torturing, I can't watch over this disgusting thing. It has always been a disgrace and it always will be, Emily was a beautiful, loving person, and I got this disgraceful trash instead of her?! This murderer who will always be nothing than a waste of space?! It was too much to handle. I hope this thing dies and rots in the darkest pits of hell. He is a murderer! He will always be a murderer, and he shouldn't be living on this planet. I never loved this trash of a person and I just needed to get that off my chest. So, Kasey, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you will always have blood on your hands, the blood of an angel. I never loved you and no one ever will.

Good bye,

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now