Visible pain

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Ok, listen, I know you're probably getting really annoyed that there hasn't been much Clace, but I promise you that next chapter will be filled with Clace,
Happy Birthday kitkatlover42 !
(I'm still on a break tho)
"Justin....what are you doing here?" I ask in between my teeth.
"I came to borrow some milk...I ran out....did you....i thought you were with Kasey." I stop at the realization. Kasey....Kasey....stop it Juniper! You broke up! Even if you wanted him to be your first time he wasn't! It was Jonathan! You have to face facts!
"We broke up..." I explain.
"....did you....did you..."
"No!" I lie. "We didn't..." I say. Justin sighs and turns around, heading back into his apartment, the milk he was looking for forgotten. I sigh and leave the apartment, I'll talk to Jonathan later, right now I just want to wrap my mind around what happened.

I sigh as I give someone their popcorn. "Here you go," i say. She smiles and takes her popcorn. I sigh and start closing the snack booth. I was exhausted,Clary threw me into work alone so I could keep my mind off juniper, but I can't. I grab the trash bag and go outside to throw it away. I hear people talking in the back, people shouldn't be out here. I throw away the garbage and look to my right and see a group of boys, they looked about my age. I sigh, dread spreading through me, Clary drilled it into my head that if anyone is doing anything out here, to tell them to stop. Tell them to get out Kasey, if anyone gets hurt the theater will have to face the consequences. I sigh and walk up to them.
"Hey, Um, you're not exactly supposed to be have to leave," I tell them, one of them looked up at me, they all looked intimidating, especially the one that looked up at me. He scanned me, and his eyes stopped on my arms, I hide my scars, but I know he already saw them.
"You're in pain," he said. I step back, surprised at what he said.
"Wh-what?" I ask.
"It's not working any more is it?" He asks. I stare at him, not knowing what to say. The guy sighs, he takes off his old leather jacket, exposing his black t-shirt, his scars showing, they were faded, but they were there, and they were a lot. "It stoped working, even though I'd cut it would never even die down, not even a little," he says. I stare at him. He then grabs his back jean pocket and tosses me something. I barely catch it. "We'll leave, We're just helping you out," the boy says and grabs his jacket from the floor, then they start to leave. I look down at the bag and see small cut up brown squares, it looked like chocolate....i frown in confusion. He was giving me chocolate? I open the bag and smell it. The smell burned my nostrils, it smelled terrible. Then it hits me, this isn't chocolate, these are drugs.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now