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School started, I just don't see what the point to any of this is. I keep putting on a facade to everyone. But when the doors close. I sulk in my room, I just write down letters for Clary that will never reach her. I sigh as I go inside the school. I look at Clary, she looked beautiful, as always. I smile, just seeing her brings me happiness. She was laughing with Simon. I open my locker and a flyer flies out of my locker. I grab it.

Come to the Halloween dance!
Friday October 26!

At Kaelie Whitewillows house!

Dress code is strictly costume! Anyone without one is not welcome!

I roll my eyes at the invitation. I'll end up wearing a leather jacket and saying I dressed up as a biker or something. Maybe Clary can be my date...I suddenly get excited. I smile. Finally looking forward to something. I go through my classes, and they couldn't have gone any slower. Finally, after hours that felt like years, i got out. I go and sit down at the lunch tables. "Oh my glitters! Did you hear about Kaelies Costume Party?!" Magnus asks. "I herd that the strict costume rule is just an excuse for Kaelie and her friends to have a slutathon!" Magnus says.
"Well, I have to go, i run the school newspaper and i need new content," Simon says.
"Magnus! We need new gossip! This is like, the perfect opportunity!" Izzy says.
"Oh! Yessss!" Magnus says. "Alexander, don't even think that you're missing out on this one! Oh this will be so much fun!!! I'll go as a warlock! Alec and Izzy, you two can go as Shadowhunters, oh! And, Simon, you can go as a vampire! Oh and biscuit, you can also go as-," Clary interrupts him.
"Yeah, i don't think so," Clary says. "I have no reason of going, and i hate kaelie, so I'm not going," Clary says. And, my plans are crushed. Damm it. Clary throws her trash away. I sigh as she leaves.

I put on the jacket and look in the mirror. I looked good, I get into my car and go towards Kaelie's house. I need to get my mind off things, so I'll take this opportunity. I knock on the door. People are already wasted outside. The door opens, showing Kaelie in lingire and bunny ears. She laughs and pulls me inside. She was drunk. She then keeps partying. I look around and notice that Magnus was right. It is a slutathon. I see Magnus making out with Alec in a corner. Izzy playing truth or dare in a group with Simon. And then, I see someone I didn't think would be here. I walk up to her. I sit down next to her. I sigh and grab a beer. I pop it open, she looks up at me. I grin at her as I take a swig at my beer. Then, I turn my body to face her.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now