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I walk to my locker angrily. I've been so frustrated all day. Kasey is in more than half of my classes, and he keeps looking at me with those stupid blue eyes. Can't he get that I don't want anything to do with him?! I'm trying to get over him and he's not helping! I open my locker door and shove everything inside the locker. I look up at the mirror I have inside my locker and see someone behind me. I slam the locker closed and look behind me. I see a girl with long black hair and black eyes. She looked like an older version of the girl from the rings. Except she had a corset style dress.

    "Who are you?" I ask

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"Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Monica, we have science together? You know, with that brown haired cute guy?" She says.
"You mean Kasey?" I ask.
"Yeah, Kasey Fairchild...anyways, I just wanted to ask you what pages we have to read,"
"Oh, uh, 129 to 138," I say. Monica sighs and writes it down on her hand.
"Thank you," She says. "Oh, and congratulations," i look at her confused. "For you and the cute guy...Kasey, your boyfriend?"
"He's uh...he's not my boyfriend, he's my Ex," I say.
"Wow, well then, you really impacted, he didn't take his eyes off once, i guess he really misses you," i lean my head on my locker.
"I'm an idiot for breaking up with him aren't I?"
"Well...why did you break up with him?" Monica asks.
"I just...he's a really nice guy...but I changed...I changed from this nice girl to...whatever this is...and I thought he didn't like how I changed, so I gave him an out,"
"Yeah, you're an idiot, you can see that he's whipped for you from a mile away....or more like a country away! It's so obvious!" Monica says. And then the realization hits me like a truck. He loves me...and I love him. And I broke up with him. I don't feel better when I'm away from him! I feel worse! I feel like there's no point in anything! I feel like my heart was ripped out of my body!
"Do you maybe know where he is?" I ask.
"He goes to the auditorium everyday after school," Monica says. I nod and run towards the auditorium. My leather high heel boots where hitting the cold floor roughly. I open the auditorium door quietly and see Kasey there. But he wasn't alone, he was on a chair, in the stage. The blue projector light hitting his face, making it shine blue, Roxy was next to him, holding his head as she kissed him. He moved on...he's in front of me, kissing Roxy. I broke up with him. I shouldn't care if he kisses her. But I do...because I thought...that...for some stupid reason he wouldn't love someone who loves him. I really am an idiot. Who would be stupid enough to let Kasey slip by them? I look down and walk out of the auditorium. If I didn't feel bad before, now I feel even worse.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now