Time's Up Girls (1)

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Ok, so you're probably getting tired of Juniper and Kasey, so dw, we're going back to Roxy and Pixy,

For those of you who want More Clace, dw, after things calm down, there will be More clace🙃
     I was on my bed at aunt Jocelyn's house. I had no make up, not even lipgloss. I was staring at my ceiling. I cut off my hair with safety scissors. It turned out good because my best friend Monique had showed me how to cut hair, she went to beauty school.

I was going to re dye my hair, but I saw no point to it, so I ink dyed my tips, while everything else faded into its natural platinum color

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I was going to re dye my hair, but I saw no point to it, so I ink dyed my tips, while everything else faded into its natural platinum color. I had a white top with jeans.

My mind kept replaying it

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My mind kept replaying it. How I crushed Roxy. Her beautiful blue eyes creating tears. Her hurt face as I told her I found someone else. How easily she believed me hurt me. I hurt her a lot, I went over board. And I didn't want to. My phone rings, interrupting my thoughts.

Dakota: Phe Phe, I need to talk to you, it's important, please meet me at the park close to the coffee shop,

I sigh, I told my mom and Dakota that I just needed time, that was a month ago. I get up and get into my bicycle. I sigh as I ride it to the park. I slide to a stop as I see Dakota. She walks up to me as I put my helmet in the small basket that the bike has.
"Mom went home Phe Phe, She wants us to go, Phoenix, it's now or never, are you coming with me back to Germany? Or not?" Dakota asks. I knew this day would eventually come, I just didn't know it would come now, but I knew my answer, i knew what i had to do.

I was working at the bar. I had to dye my hair back to blue because my hair was too ugly for me to work. I sigh as I keep drying a glass. I had the uniform on, a tight black leather romper, with black high heels and a white apron. My hair was I. It's normal blue crazy bunk hair. I kept drying a glass. I stared into the reflection of the glass. I saw myself. I looked dull. My eyes didn't have its shine, it's lightning. I'm not going to lie, I'm sad...I'm a mess without Pixy....and I should move on. But you know what? I don't want to! What did I do? I didn't fight for Pixy, I just let her move on! And I'm not doing that! What did she even find I. That girl?! Was she prettier?! That's the only reasonable reason! She's been my best friend, meaning we get along really well,there probably isn't any other person who gets along this well with Pixy. We even promised that if this didn't work, we would stay friends! I mean, who does that?! And it can't be our sexual life! She's the one who still doesn't want to go for it, which is fine by me, because I'm also scared of trying it. Is she really throwing what we have away for a hotter girl?! Pixy Isn't stupid! And you know what? I'm going to remind her! I slam the glass on the table and go to the bathroom, I change into converse and gray leggings with a beige sweater and a gray beanie. My blue hair was down. I grab my bag and run out of the club. Someone will cover for me.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now