Clary's embarrasment

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I look away from Jace in embarrassment. How am I supposed to look at him and tell him that even though Izzy put those in as a joke that I do want to take that step with him? It's not like I can lie to him, tell him that Izzy must've mistaken my bag for hers. Or that she was just kidding. I mean, it's obvious that by the way I'm reacting that i do want to take that step with him. Tears of embarrassment cloud my eyes. I try to clear my throat inaudibly. "I'm just going to sleep," i whisper so quietly I doubt he herd me. I lie down, my back facing Jace. I feel so sick and gross and pathetic. Why would Jace want me sexually? I feel like one of those girls who just want a hot guy to screw them even though he is WAY out of their league. My cheeks were burning, I just wanted the ground to swallow me up. I laugh internally. This is Deja Vu.

   I couldn't have met him AFTER I got this stupid headgear off?! Oh well, he wouldn't of liked me anyways. "H-hi," I say and smile shyly.
      "Hey" He says a little awkwardly. I look at the floor, my face red.
       "Oooooookaaaaaayyyy" Izzy says. "Anyways! We need to go and plan out our wedding, look through magazines etcetera" she says as she pulls me away.
     Who knew I was right in eight grade. Jace is never going to want me in that matter what I do. Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks, thanks to gravity they were falling into my eyes. A sniffle then escapes my nose. Great! Now he knows I'm crying! God I'm so pathetic!
      "Clary," Jace says softly. He puts his hand in my forearm. I hide my face from him. "Clary, Baby, don't cry," Jace whispers soothingly as he pets me lovingly. I cry harder.
       "I just...i-I'm sorry," i choke out in cries. "I-Izzy put th-them I-in, an-and I-I Sh-should've thrown them away...i-I....I'm sorry," i say, my voice muffled by my hands that were covering my face.
      "Baby, Baby, It's ok...." Jace whispers. "Let me see your face baby," Jace says soothingly.
     "I....I can't" I whisper.
     "Clary, please Baby," Jace begs. I slowly take away my hands from my face. Jace makes me sit up so I can look at him. I look at the floor, not being able to meet his eyes.
     "I'm sorry," I say again.
     "Baby, you don't have to be sorry," Jace whispers lovingly. He grabs my chin lightly and makes me look at him. "You know I love you too....and I also want to do this with you," Jace says as his finger graces my jaw. "I just didn't know if you wanted to or if you were ready, for that matter," Jace says. I stare at Jace, he wipes my tears gently. Jace's eyes trail up and meet mine. "We don't have to do anything," Jace mumbles softly and lovingly.
       "I want to," I whisper. I lean into Jace and kiss him lightly. Jace kisses me back sweetly.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now