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All of a sudden the beaker was on fire. I Yelp and jump back. Then the fire alarm started to go off. I gasp as water hits my head. I look towards Jace. He was also wet. "I-I'm sor-," i was then cut off by Jace pulling me in and kissing me. I gasp in surprise. I grab his lab coat and pull him closer to me.
"I really wanted to do that," Jace whispers, I could barley hear him over the fire alarm.
"Kiss during a fire alarm while getting wet by the smoke detector?" I ask.
"Hey, this is probably a one in a million chance," Jace says. The door then opens to show Mrs.Burton.
"DETENTION FOR A MONTH!" She yells. I bite my lip and look up at Jace.

I was swinging on the swings lightly, Owen next to me. I look up and see a girl who's in my class. Her name is Sophia. She has brown hair and wears black hoodies. She was staring at us with a dreamy look in her eyes. She always asks where Owen is...I think she has a crush on him, but for some reason I feel like she's also looking at me with the dreamy look. Owen snaps me out of my thoughts when he starts to say something. "Hey Max...." Owen says thoughtfully. I look back at him.
    "Huh?" I ask. Owen stops swinging, and I stop with him.
      "Do you think I'm a freak?" Owen asks sadly as he kicks the wood chips on the ground.
       "What? Why?" I ask.
     "Well....my mom keeps telling me that I'm a disgraceful freak...that I'm the reason she had to leave dad," Owen says. "I miss my dad..." Owen whispers. I sigh sadly with Owen. Then I remember what Alec did when his friend Magnus was sad. I grab Owen's sweater and press my lips against his. It was uncomfortable since the chains were kinda in the way, but at least I hope I made him feel better. "Why'd you do that?" Owen asks.
      "Well...that's what Alec does when his friend is sad..." I say with a shrug. "And you've kissed me to cheer me up too," I explain with a blush. Owen smiles shyly.
      "I like it when you cheer me up," Owen says shyly. I smile at him as I blush. "Can you keep cheering me up?" Owen asks innocently. I smile at him and kiss him again. The kiss was longer than usual. I pull away to see Owen's smile.

My foot was jumping up and down quickly. I was nervously waiting at the coffee shop where Jonathan was supposed to meet me. The door opens and shows Jonathan come in. He see's me right away and sits down across from me. "I'm sorry, i was out of town for a while, I'm so sorry that i-,"
"Wait....Listen," I interrupt him. "It was my first time ok...I had never done that before...and I'm sorry if it was bad....but please...don't humiliate me...that's all I'm asking," i whisper. Jonathan looks at me with a confused look.
"Juni...we didn't have sex," Jonathan says shocking me silent.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now