Kasey And Juniper (4)

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I run faster, I use all the strength I have to run across the platform towards her. "JUNIPER!" I yell, begging for her to look at me, but she doesn't. Just as she was about to jump, I grab her arm and spin her around, her back facing the subway. Her hair flying in the air from the momentum of the subway and of the spin. The wind the subway made then stopped as the subway came to a complete stop.
"K-Kasey," Juniper gasps. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. "Oh my god," Juniper gasped. I pull her into a hug. We hug each other tightly, clinging onto each other for dear life. I cry into the crook of her neck. People rushed around us. I hugged Juniper tighter, not ever wanting to let go. I inhaled her honey smelling hair.
"I...I love you...oh god I love you," I say as I kiss her cheek. Tears were still falling down my cheeks. "I love you so so so so much," I say.
"I love you too," Juniper whispers. She then leans into me and kisses me. I grab her waist and pull her closer.

Jace and I run down the second subway station, we look around quickly, I see a couple kissing, but don't think much of it, until I notice that the guy was wearing Kasey's jacket. "Oh my god!" I say as I grasp onto Jace's sleeve. "There they are!" I say as I point them out. Jace grabs my wrist and pulls me down with him, running towards Kasey and Juniper. Jace hauls Juniper off Kasey.
"What the fuck! You just made a suicide video and you wrote a suicide note!" Jace says.
"AND NOW YOU'RE HERE CANOODLING?!" Magnus asks as he walks in with Alec. Juniper and Kasey stay silent.


It's been a few months since Kasey and Juniper tried to commit suicide. They were both put into heavy psychiatric therapy for a whole month, but I guess they noticed that when Kasey saved juniper, something clicked in both of them. Apparently they're each other's rock, they ground each other. Basically, they make each other happy. It's been so great to see them smile, they're so cute together! Jace and i got accepted into Johns Hopkins. I've always wanted to be a pediatric surgeon, ever since I saw Arizona Robbins on Grey's Anatomy when I was in middle school. Jace wanted to go to Wharton and carry out his dad's company, but he didn't get accepted. So now he's going to become a cardiac surgeon. Izzy squeals as she runs up to me.
"TA DA!" She says as she shows me a beautiful dress.

Prom was Greek God/Goddess themed, and ever since Izzy found out she's been making our dresses like she promised oh so many years ago

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Prom was Greek God/Goddess themed, and ever since Izzy found out she's been making our dresses like she promised oh so many years ago. I gasp at the dress.
"Izzy! It's beautiful!" I say excitedly Izzy smiles.
"Well thank you, but we have to get ready! Prom is in three hours and you haven't even taken a shower! We're going to be so late Clary!" Izzy says. I huff out an amused breath.
"Fine," i say and follow her to the bathroom.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now