Jelly simon

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There was a cute boy sitting on the couch. Simon and I got into a fight, and now, I think it's payback. I go and innocently sit next to the guy. Out of the corner of my eye, i could see Simon staring at us from across the room. I was wearing a pink pencil leather skirt with a black see through shirt that you could see my bra through if you focused on my shirt,

 I was wearing a pink pencil leather skirt with a black see through shirt that you could see my bra through if you focused on my shirt,

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I smile at the boy. He looks at me awkwardly. "Hey, I'm Isabelle," I say as I flip my hair. The boy stares at me up and down.
"I'm Kasey," He says. I smile at him.

The doorbell rings. Celine opens the door and I see a man around my dad's age with a girl who looked like Clary and a girl about my age with brown hair.

 Celine opens the door and I see a man around my dad's age with a girl who looked like Clary and a girl about my age with brown hair

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     "Clary!" The girl says as she runs to Clary

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"Clary!" The girl says as she runs to Clary. Clary stands up and picks her up.
"Hey Max! How's my favorite little girl?" Clary asks.
"I'm good!" She says.
"Max? But that's a boys name," I say confused. The brown haired girl frowns.
"Nu uh!" She says.
"Max, your name is Maxwell, Max's name is Actually to avoid confusion, you'll have to be Maxwell, ok max?" If you didn't get that, Max Lightwood is now called Maxwell, and Max fray is called Max,)
How's this ,
The max thing is going to get annoying, why did I have to have my name changed?! It's not fair! I really want to go all RASENGAN on Max Fray for taking my name! Just like Naruto did to Sasuke at the Valley Of the end in the Naruto comic books.

Courtney had on a black shirt with short black shorts and tights with ankle high heel boots.

        ClARY POV    Courtney had on a black shirt with short black shorts and tights with ankle high heel boots

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She had her red hair in low pigtails. She had black eyeshadow with mascara and eyeliner, she definitely didn't look like the quirky Regina George look alike from the last time I saw her. The divorce must've hit her hard. She looks around the room as she touches her pigtail, he legs crossed as she slightly slouched. She blew a pink bubble. The bubble gum then popped.

"And this must be the wonderful Celine!" Daniel says as he smiles at me. I blush a little, "I've herd a lot about you," Dan says.
"Yes, Like the fact that she's married to Stephan and has three kids," Luke cuts in. I silently thank him for that.
"And, Like the fact that you had sex with your best friends wife," Dan shoots back.
"Daniel, we are in a room filled with kids, if there's a point you must prove wait until tonight!" Luke snaps.
"Luke's right, both of you stop acting like amateurs and wait for later!" I say. The door bell rings and I go to answer it. I want to slam the door in his face when I see him. Aaron Lightwood. The most failed of all the Lightwood brothers, and the hottest.

I didn't choose him because he's Derek Shepherd ok?! I chose him because Aaron is a diva!

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I didn't choose him because he's Derek Shepherd ok?! I chose him because Aaron is a diva!

Like Patrick Dempsey.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now