Aaron's secret identity

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"Why the hell would you do that?!" Luke asks. Pixy's green beautiful eyes looked at me with curiosity and shock.
"Because......" I look at Aaron and sigh. "He deserves to be here," I say.
"He....he deserves to what?" Luke asks, burning with anger. "He doesn't deserve anything! He deserves to stay the hell away from us!" Luke yells. I glance away and see an old lady knitting as she drinks everything in, she was the only one in the room that I didn't know.
"He hits on any female with two legs! Doesn't matter how old they are!" Jocelyn hisses. I almost laugh at the irony of this.

I sigh as I go into the club. Pixy and I got into a fight. I don't even know what I'm doing here...it's not like I could get over Pixy and date someone else. I couldn't get over her even if I tried. I was so in my own head I didn't even notice that I bumped someone. "Hey! Watch where you're going!" A guy says as he pulls away from making out with another boy. I was in a gay club, I used to work here, and now I'm here for some weird reason. I looked at the men, they were about forty-ish the one who snapped at me had brown hair and brown eyes, and the one he was basically groping had black hair and blue eyes.
"Sorry, I didn't see where you were, don't worry though, next time my douche-o-meter will be on," I hiss as I walk to the bar. As I sit down I see Kimmy, she has blue and purple Pixy hair with black roots.

 As I sit down I see Kimmy, she has blue and purple Pixy hair with black roots

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Kimmy was the reason my boyfriend broke up with me...I hadn't come out to him as Bi, and I guess he didn't like the fact that I liked girls too. I don't blame Kimmy though, now i have Pixy.....who is mad at me because i want to be public and she can't...oh my god I'm such a bitch!
Did I really want Pixy to come out to her homophobic family so that we could be public?! Thats why we're fighting?! I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't pressure her with something so sensitive....I just forget how important family is to normal people like Pixy. Especially since my mom is a drunk cougar who doesn't care what happens to me...and my dad is in jail...Pixy has loving parents, they love her so much...just not enough to set religion aside.
"Give me a beer," I say as I slap some cash on the table.
"Make It two margaritas," a man says as he puts more money on the table. He then takes my money and gives it to me. Kimmy gives us our drinks. "Keep the change," I look at him. He was the man making out with the douche. "I'm sorry about before," the man says as he sits down. "What's your name?" He asks.
"Roxanna Taylor Martin...you?" I ask.
"Aaron Benedict Lightwood," He says.
I get pulled away by Aaron when he see's me with Pixy. "You're not goin to tell anyone about the club...right?"
"What? You mean that you're gay, that you really don't like Chicks at all and that you're just putting on a douche bag act?"
"SH SH shhhhhh! Not too loud!" Aaron says. "Listen, if my family knows I'm gay...i don't know what will happen," Aaron says.
"I know Aaron...it's ok...your secrets safe with me....but you should really come out...sooner, rather than later."

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now