Clary's confession

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LMAOOOO, you should've read the comments of the last chapter 😂😂😂😂😂
     "Where's jace?! What happened to him?! What funeral?! His funeral?! Is he..." I cut off as tears fall down my face. My mother gave me a side hug, I cried harder into her chest. He's gone...he saved me and now he's gone.
      "Clary...Clary, It's ok...he's not dead, Jace isn't dead....he's right in the room behind you." Luke says. I look up at Luke and the doctor.
"He has two flesh wounds, and one deep wound. The deep wound was deep enough to hit his appendix, and miraculously it didn't hit any other vital organ. He lost a lot of blood at the scene and in transfer from the scene and the hospital,....which made him...die...i was at that part when your mother interrupted me, she's been here all week, so I just came here to inform her about Jace's condition. Now, what i was going to say is that we started his heart back up again, but, he slipped into a coma....he's alive though," the doctor says. I nod lightly.
      "Ok," I say. Then I rip the cables off my body making the beeping machine pronounce me dead. I get up and run out of the room.
      "Clary!" My mother says.

I was sitting on the bench, reading one of the copies of my dad's suicide note
I can't watch over this disgusting thing. It has always been a disgrace and it always will be, Emily was a beautiful, loving person, and I got this disgraceful trash instead of her?! This murderer who will always be nothing than a waste of space?! It was too much to handle. I hope this thing dies and rots in the darkest pits of hell. He is a murderer! He will always be a murderer, and he shouldn't be living on this planet. I never loved this trash of a person and I just needed to get that off my chest. So, Kasey, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you will always have blood on your hands, the blood of an angel. I never loved you and no one ever will.

    He's right, I'm not worth to have Juny as my everything...she deserves someone so much better, she's such an amazing person, memories flash, memories of her, like when I first saw her, how I thought she was so adorable while she was playing with Bell, and how she has a beautiful laugh, and when she told me about her mom, our first kiss, her lips were so sweet, and I never wanted to let go of her. And when she looked so beautiful at the last party we had in the Herondale manor, and then after that, when I tried to be normal for her and take her to the movies, and then she threw the bucket of pop corn at me after the movie ended, and she told me to take her on a Kasey date, so then we went to a park with a pond that had fire flies. She had said that they looked like tiny little fairies flying around. I then told her that i loved her, that was the first time I told her, she then looked at my eyes and said that she loved me too, and then she kissed me. I loved all of it, I loved her and her bad school jokes, and her dark sarcasm, and her cold hard logic. I loved all of it, all of her. And now...She's gone.

    I slide into the room where Jace was. His blonde hair was messy and everywhere on the pillow. I sigh and sit down on the chair next to him. My mother had gone looking for me somewhere else, and Jace's room was empty and dark. I slowly brush his hair with my fingers. His eyes were shut, hiding his beautiful golden eyes. His eyes flutter open. "Clary," he gasps. I smile at him brightly as I take in his beautiful golden eyes.
      "I love you," I tell him for the first time since we were in middle school.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now