Why did you do it?

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Max and Owen were sharing a room, Alec and Magnus were sharing another. So that left us with Me,Jonathan,Simon and that boy named Kasey in the same room. I was neatly putting my clothes away. Jonathan was checking Snapchat. Trap Queen by Fetty was was blasting through someone's Chat story. A party. "Sebastian's having the party of the year," Jonathan laughs coldly.
"Don't even say his damm name," I say coldly as I zip up my now empty luggage. I sigh as I open the mini fridge we have in our room. "Any Of you want water?" I ask.
"Nope," Jon says as he moves on to a different snap from the party.
"No," Simon whispers as he closes a drawer. I look at Kasey.
"You?" I ask.
"Sure," he whispers. I toss him a cold bottle of water, he catches it and opens it. I sigh as I go and sit next to Jonathan. I look at the snaps. It was Kaelie, she was drunk wearing a small dress. She was making out with Sebastian, meanwhile everyone broke into an 'OHHHHH' as they kissed. I roll my eyes and stand back up.
"Why are you being so quiet?" I ask Simon as I take off my shirt to put on another one.
"Why do you care Jace?!" Simon asks in a snappy tone.
"You know you're just proving my point further, right?" I ask in amusement.
"Izzy and I got into a fight," Simon sighs, I look at him closer. His hair was ruffled and messy, he's been pulling at it in frustration. His eyes were dull, and he was paler and skinnier.
          "What happened?" I ask. Kasey looks up at me from his water bottle. My voice was sympathetic, and I'm not exactly the guy who sympathizes for people, but when it comes to screwing up the relationship you have with the girl you love, I'm basically an expert.
         "I don't even know anymore," Simon says as he lays his head down on the bed.
          "Then you make it up to her," Jonathan says as he drops his phone besides him.

My mother comes into the room Luke and I were sharing. "You're with Lucian now.....why?" My mother asks.
      "Because I love him Mom, I've always loved him," I say as I stand up.
        "So you cheated on a man who praised you? Who gave you two beautiful children? Who gave you enough to eat and more? You took away your kids Father, do you understand how selfish that is?!" My mother asks.
         "It is my life, i get to decide! Not you! You've always wanted to control me! I'm not a puppet!"
"So that's why you did it?! To get back at me?!" She yells at me.
"No, I did it for many reasons, reasons your brain just can't comprehend, I spent so much time acting as if I loved someone when I didn't, one day I snapped, and I didn't want to go back to the misery I lived in!" I yell at my mom.

Who's side are you on? Jocelyn's or Anna's?

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now