Courtney's appearance

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Roxy groans. "I haven't gone to high school since last year," Roxy says. I smile lightly and look up from my homework.
"I can catch you up," i say softly. Roxy looks up at me. I finally notice how close we were. I stared into Roxy's electric blue eyes. Her pink lips were parted showing her white teeth.
"That would be great," she whispered. Her breath smelled like jelly beans, unlike Juniper's that smelled like vanilla. Juniper.
       "Uh..." Roxy says, breaking me from my trance, she had pulled away. She stood up and grabbed her bag. "I'm gonna go," She says as she walks out of the room. What just happened?

    I walk inside the guest room i have while Pixy and i are gaining money to move into an apartment. Kasey, what happened with Kasey? I drop to the bed and sigh as I look up at the ceiling. What happened with Kasey is nothing, was nothing. Nothing. Right?

It's been a week. A week since I woke up. Sebastian is in Jail, Veronica is safe and in school, and the other girls who were in that room are going through PTSD. Only one child died. A little girl, she was three, she was raped and thrown against the wall a little too hard. My case was the best there was, which is why I'm now here, the other girls have been here before, but now it's my turn. I walk up to the stand and put my hand on the Bible. "Clarissa Adele Morgenstern, do you swear to tell the truth? And nothing but the truth?"
"Yes," i say as I stare at Sebastian in hate.
"Ms. Morgenstern, what exactly happened when you were taken by Sebastian?"
"I was in a cell, with two beds, I was with Veronica-,"
"Veronica Shannon?"
"Yes, she told me that she had gotten too close to Sebastian, and that she had figured out his plan, she didn't tell me what the plan was, she just told me that it was-," I break away as the doors open, showing the last person I thought would be here. Courtney. She had her hair down, and had a dress that was revealing, yet formal.

    She walked up to us with a portfolio

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She walked up to us with a portfolio. She walked up to the judge and dropped the portfolio in front of her. "You have the wrong guy," She says.
"And who are you?" The judge asks.
"I'm Courtney Fairchild," Courtney says. "Her cousin," Courtney nods towards me. "Sebastian's "secret plan" was to save his family. In that portfolio you will see a computer, there's a video there, watch it," Courtney says. The judge then opens the portfolio and the lap top she clicks play and see's the video, I couldn't see who it was, but I herd what was being said in the video.

Voice: i told you not to tell anyone!

Sebastian: I didn't! She found out!

Voice: then put her in the cell, shove her in there with Clary,

Sebastian: she doesn't deserve that! Veronica already has a screwed up life!

Voice: she got too close...

Sebastian: fine...

Voice: and make her think you raped her...remember, I don't need to get into this crap,

Sebastian: what?! No! Why?!

Voice: do you really want me to kill one of your family members? How about I go for your sweet little sister Constance? Such a unique name by the way,

Sebastian: NO! Don't touch her.....fine I'll do it...

Then the video ended.

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