Mila's Proposition

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"Mom...Dakota? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Phoenix....We've been looking for you, could we maybe talk in private?" My mother asks.
"Sure.." i say. I look over at Jonathan, he was working the shift with me instead of Roxy. He started working here after Roxy moved in. "Jon, cover for me, yeah?" I ask as I walk out of the cash register. We walk out of the coffee shop and walk to the park.  "So...why are you here?" I ask.
       "Nix Nix! We're here to take you back home!" Dakota says. I stop dead in my tracks.
       "I thought...I thought Karl didn't want me around,"
        "None sense Phoenix! First off, he is your father, so quit the formalities, and second off, he does want you around,"
       "No he doesn't! He made that clear when he said 'Get the fuck out of my house with your anti christ shit, I raised my daughter to be the daughter of God, not the daughter of Satan' so yeah, I think he was pretty clear," I say.
      "Phoenix Pixette Weber!" My mother says angrily. "Did you not here a word I said?! I'm telling you that your father might take you back!" My head snaps towards my mom as she says that.
     I walked back into the house. At first I felt a terrible void of nothingness. And I kept feeling it. I felt nothing. I wanted to feel something. But I didn't. I didn't even cry or get angry. I just felt...nothing. I want to hate her, to hate Juniper...but I can't. I feel dead inside...she was my only reason to be happy. The reason I was happy for the first time in a long time. And now she's gone. My happiness is gone. She is gone, and now, I just feel emptiness.

     I walk into my room.

JUNIPER POV     I walk into my room

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    I collapse on the rug. What the hell did I just do. I feel my heart drop to my stomach. I just broke up with Kasey. Oh my god I just broke up with kasey. I run my hands through my dyed hair. I just ruined the only good thing I had left. "I broke up with Kasey...." I say. Tears pooled into my eyes. I...broke up with the only person who understood me. The tears kept rolling down my face. I looked up towards my bed and saw the small jewelry box. I know what was inside that small little box. I just had to get up and go towards the jewelry box, and everything would go away, I would fall back to that deep hole, but at this point I really don't care. I just met Kasey, it's been, what? Two? Three weeks? Not even a month. But he made me feel so happy. So, so Happy. The door opened before I got the chance to get up. Tears kept streaming down my face.
     "What happened?" Justin asks. I break down into bigger sobs as I lay down on the floor.
      "What did you do?" Justin asks as he runs to me. He sits down and holds me up against him.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now