Kasey's blood

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Guys! I need ideas for this story, like, filler ideas, I know what will happen, I just need ideas to fill up my ideas...please! If I don't have any ideas....I'll have to kill a character! Remember how that went last time?
I kissed Roxy as we walked inside her apartment. She kisses me desperately with relief. I missed her so much, I just noticed how depressed I was not being able to see her, feel her, kiss her. We walk into her room and see a plain bed with white sheets. "You were never the decorator were you?" I ask playfully.
"No...that's why I need you," Roxy says panting. She then pulls me down to kiss her. We fall onto her bed. She was below me, she tugs my pink hair, making us get closer. She takes off my jacket, making it fall to the floor. I break away from the kiss to take off my brown leather boots. Roxy sits up desperately and kisses me as i take them off. I take off my socks while I kiss her. Roxy takes off her converse and her socks. "I love you, I love you so much," Roxy says in between kisses.
     "I love you too," I mumble under my breath. She takes off my white shirt, exposing my light pink bra.
       "You're beautiful," she whispers. I grab her hair and tug her into a kiss.

      I kept panting in pain as I look down and see the blood, my whole arm was covered in gashes of blood, I had cut so many times, I still didn't feel any relief. I kept cutting, desperately trying to make the pain go away. I'm not good enough! I was never good enough for her! You're too broken for her! I kept sobbing uncontrollably as I kept cutting at the already bloody arm. Blood kept pouring down my arm. Black spots started appearing in my vision, I know that I'll die from loss of blood, and I'm fine with that....i just want to die at this point. I know I was never supposed to be alive. I have the blood of an angel in my hands, my mothers blood. Before I didn't want to die, I felt pain, but I still didn't want to leave my grandmother alone. But now, oh god how naive I was to think that was pain, this is pain, and it hurts like hell. So now I'm dying, i was about to black out completely when the door opened. And now I'm out.

My eyes start opening. I see Clary staring at me intensely. I groan as I start to get up. "Stop! Stop moving!" Clary says. I stop moving and look at her. She frowns and slaps me hard. "What were you thinking?! You could've died!" Clary says.
"That was kinda the plan," I say as I laugh painfully. Clary looks at me with sorrow in her eyes.
"Why are you saying this? God, Kasey....." clary says as she sits down next to me. "Can't you see that Juniper is in love with you? She's a reck without you! She'll come back to you, right now she's doing dumb things, but she will come back to you Kase," Clary says. I snort lightly.
"I'm not that Naive Clary,"
"Maybe, but apparently you're blind," Clary says.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now