All Hell Breaks Loose

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Warning!: LGBTQ shaming is In this chapter, this is not what i believe, it's just me creating some normal family conflict! Thank you!

Oh, and emmabolt70 as you wish😈

Oh! And also! There's a new story I published named Blue and Red, it's a Clace story and it's the first story i publish that's already completed (don't worry I'll still publish only one chapter a day in that one) i hope you like that story, also, updates won't slow down in this book, 🙃
    "What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" Luke asks.
     "It means that Aaron has been hitting on me..." Clary says awkwardly. Courtney scoffs.
    "I knew it, you are a slut,"
     "BITCH! Shut the fuck up JESSICA RABBIT WANNABE!" Magnus yells.
       "You don't get to talk to my daughter like that!" Daniel says standing up.
        "Your precious little Cady Heron has been judging everyone since she got here! She doesn't get to hit on my boyfriend! Judge my best friend without ME PUTTING HER IN HER DAMM PLACE!" Magnus says.
           "You're all the same, filled with Hysteria," Janice says rolling her eyes.
        "Excuse me?!" Magnus asks. He was boiling with anger by now.
        "Shut up Janice!" Pixy says.
       "You don't get to talk to me you queer!"
       "Fucking shut up Janice!" kasey says loudly for the first time angry. "You and your dumbass homophobia can go rot in hell for fucks sake!" Kasey says.
        "I don't think you can talk to her like that!" Robert says.
         "You too godammit! Both of you go rot in fucking hell!" Kasey says.
        "I second that!" Juniper says. Then all hell breaks loose, Anna and Imogen keep telling Janice and robert that they are embarrassed of them. Holly and bell start crying and Joy spills the bottle of Champagne with her elbow. The waiters just awkwardly stay there not knowing what to do. People start throwing food Courtney kisses Alec making Magnus boil even more. Daphne, Stephan, Justin, Owen, Maxwell and Max were the only ones quiet. Until finally Stephan snaps.
      "DAPHNE SLEPT WITH JUSTIN LAST NIGHT!" He yells making everyone shut up.

    Finally we all left, and we kept quiet. The tension was terrible. Simon and Izzy ended up making out heatedly while we were all fighting. Now they left to the labyrinth the Herondales have. Jace takes me to the shed to just talk, but we end up making out heatedly instead. I took off Jace's shirt and kept kissing him. Jace pulls away. "Wait, do you really want to do this in an old shed?" Jace asks. I kiss his neck,
       "Yeah, I just want to do it here and now," I whisper.
        "But, Clary Maybe we shouldn't-," I then take off my shirt and keep kissing him.
         "My mom made me take the pill when I turned sixteen," I gasp. "We're fine," I kept kissing Jace, until he pushes me away.
      "Clary, there's something you don't know,"
      "What is it?" I ask.
       "I have Chlamydia," Jace says.
       "Wait, what?" I ask confused. "But that's an STD, you can only get those if....."
        "Remember when you saw me at the gynecologist and Physicians a few years ago? I went because Jazzy told me she had Chlamydia," Jace says.
        "You slept with Jazzy?" I ask in shock. I know for a fact that Jace wouldn't give his virginity to someone like Jazzy. "How many?" I ask. Jace stays quiet. "How many Jace?!" I ask angrily.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now