Pep talk

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     "What?! Why?!" Daph asks.
      "No,no,no! Clary, That step is overdue! You broke up with him right before that step was going to take place right? Well, now your relationship has been picked back up again, so you start off where you left off!" Daph says. "And besides, are you really not even a little bit curious what it's like with him?" I blink up at her. "Oh my god! You've never done it before," Daph gasps.
        "Is it that obvious?" I ask.
         "A little," Daph admits.
        "Well, it doesn't matter, Jace also hasn't done this kind of thing," Daphne raises an eyebrow at me.
          "Right, well, if I were you I would start moving into that step," Daph explains. The doorbell rings. Celine, Stephan,Mom and Luke come out of the kitchen. Juny opens it, and at the door I see my grandma Anna. And besides her, I see Kasey.


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     I smile at Kasey and my grandmother. I run up to him and hug him. He laughs and hugs me back. "Hey Clary," he whispers softly.
      "Hey Kase!" I say happily. Behind my grandma stood Pixy,with pink hair and all.

     I pull away from Kasey and hug Pixy, she looked emotionless

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     I pull away from Kasey and hug Pixy, she looked emotionless. I hug her tightly. "Whatever the fuck they said to you, their idiots, they can't see what they just lost, no matter what you're amazing Pix," I tell her.
      "Thank you Clary," Pixy says, her voice shaking. I pull away and hug my grandmother.
       "Oh Clarissa! Jonathan!" Granny Anna says as she hugs both me and Jon. "I missed you both so much!" She says. We pull away, and Granny Anna walks up to my mother. "Jocelyn,"she says, coldly.
       "Mother," She says.
       "We'll talk later," Granny says as she walks past my mom. She didn't even acknowledge Luke. Kasey sighs as he pulls in a bunch of luggage inside. Pixy comes in, not saying a word as she sits down on the couch.
       "Cody will get that," Celine says. A butler then rushes in and takes all the luggage. Kasey gives Celine a crooked smile then sits down next to Pixy. Imogen and my grandmother were talking and laughing. My mother was nervously talking to Luke. Celine and Stephan were on the phone, Justin and Daph were talking in a corner, and Juny was still texting. I sigh as I sit next to Kasey. The doorbell rings, Celine quickly opens the door, in comes Robert, Maryse,Izzy,Max,Alec,Magnus and Simon.

Max looks like Henry from once upon a time, the reason for that is because I can!

Max looks like Henry from once upon a time, the reason for that is because I can!

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   Max runs up to me and hugs me. "Clary! Clary! I got a new Naruto comic!" He says.
     "That's amazing!" I giggle. I fall to the floor and he does to, he opens the comic and starts telling me everything that's happening in the comic.

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