Clary's Note

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Things get extremely uncomfortable and weird in this part of the book, so if you don't like that type of stuff please delete this book from your life....

For the other weirdo's like me that can read weird things and barley write them, welcome to the first chapter of the second part of the third book of ugly, ok,

1,2,3, GO!
      Tyler's belt had dug incredibly deep into Lisa's back, so deep it hit her spinal cord many times. So many times, that Lisa died before she even arrived to the hospital. Tyler was immediately sentenced to life in prison for his crime. We were all questioned anyways though, but there was a camera in the room proving us all innocent, it's a safe room, so Imogene had put a security camera since there are precious heirlooms in that room. Grandma Anna took in Bell, Holly and Joy without question. My mother had offered to take the three girls in, but Grandma Anna had insisted, So Kasey proposed to stay with my mom, Jon, Luke and I,  with Pixy so grandma Anna didn't have too much on her plate. Granny Anna accepted and eventually left back to her farmhouse in England. After the divorce Robert moved in with a woman named Annamarie Highsmith, apparently he had been cheating on Maryse with her for a while. Maryse brushed it off quickly and worked harder in her job as a lawyer. Janice and Hunter got a divorce after Hunter was caught by Janice kissing some girl who was twenty four. Apparently he had also been cheating. I guess all the middle aged Lightwood men are crazy or cheaters. Janice rented an apartment close by to get her crap together. Daphne kept coming over in tears not knowing why Justin hadn't called her or talked to her. And the Herondales, well, they haven't spoken to anyone. I really missed Jace, they wouldn't answer the door when I knocked and Jace's blinds were always down when I went to his window. I sigh and put the chocolate cupcakes I made in the box I had. Kasey and Jonathan walked in the kitchen. Kasey breathed in the smell of chocolate cake.
      "Is that chocolate Cake I smell?" Kasey asks.
       "Cupcakes," I correct.
       "Same difference," Jonathan says. "Give us some!"
       "No! These are for Jace,"
      "Clary, the Herondales aren't here!" Kasey says. "If they were Juniper would've at least called,"
        "Fine, If Jace doesn't open his window then you can have the cupcakes," I say. I walk out the door and walk towards the Herondale's house. I jump the fence and climb the tree. I look through the window and see Jace on his bed flipping through channels. I bite my lip as I scan him. He was shirtless, the light touched his abs perfectly, his hair was ruffled and he looked tiered. I tap the window lightly and smile at Jace. He stands up and walks towards me. He reached towards the window, I thought he was about to open them. But instead he closes the blinds. I frown and sit up on the ledge he had. I was about to knock on the window harder but instead I sigh and leave the box of cupcakes outside. I knock on the window as loud as I can without breaking it, then I walk down and go back home sadly.

     I roll my eyes and open the window to snap at Clary, only to find a box on the window ledge. I take the box and see a note on it.

I just wanted to make sure you were ok,

-Clary ❤️

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now