Juniper's Accident

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"What?!" I ask in shock
"Juniper, we never had sex..." Jonathan says. "We...we stumbled into my room, we took off our clothes..and said Kasey's name," Jonathan says. I collapse onto the back of the couch, shocked. How could I call out my ex boyfriend's name when I was with Jonathan? Jonathan's green eyes stare into my eyes. "'re an amazing person..." I shake my head and grab Jonathan's sleeve.
"Jonathan, no! That was a mistake..." I say, tears clouding my eyes. "I-I mean we-we were drunk, I was was a stupid mistake, and i-I," I break off into a choked sob.
"Juniper....I love you....I really're a really nice person....but you're not in love with still love Kasey...and I'm fine with that.....but i can't keep dating you..." Jonathan says. Tears flowed down my cheeks.
"Jonathan-," He cuts me off by kissing my forehead.
"I'm sorry....." Jonathan whispers. He stands up and walks out of the coffee shop. I run outside, not wanting to catch up with him. I run down the pavement, I don't want to be here! Nothing was going right anymore! My family is destroyed because of me, my relationship with Jonathan is destroyed, because of me! I crash down into the floor and cry as I hit the floor. Sobs rack through my body as I do. I destroyed my life, and took others lives with me.

I crash into my bed and take a shaky deep breath. Everyone's been saying that Juniper and Jonathan went to the next level of their relationship. I know it's stupid. I already knew I wasn't good enough for her. My dad told me this many times before. I grab a copy of my dad's suicide note.
Dear whoever cares,
I did kill myself, i spent a good six years suffering in pain, raising my wife's murderer. Watching him live instead of Emily Was torturing, I can't watch over this disgusting thing. It has always been a disgrace and it always will be, Emily was a beautiful, loving person, and I got this disgraceful trash instead of her?! This murderer who will always be nothing than a waste of space?! It was too much to handle. I hope this thing dies and rots in the darkest pits of hell. He is a murderer! He will always be a murderer, and he shouldn't be living on this planet. I never loved this trash of a person and I just needed to get that off my chest. So, Kasey, if you're reading this, I want you to know that you will always have blood on your hands, the blood of an angel. I never loved you and no one ever will.

Good bye,

    I take a deep breath, shaking. Tears flowing down my cheeks. The pain I felt inside my chest was beyond words. It wasn't even pain, it was torture, it was a feeling I would never wish on anyone. My hands were shaking as I pulled my brown hair back. A sob escapes me.


Blood of an angel

Waste of space




    I fall to the floor and grab the framed suicide note.....the real, original suicide note. I put it on my night stand. I grab a piece of paper and a black pen. I take in a deep breath and slowly start to write.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now