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    My mom let me borrow her SUV. We decided to go camping to just get away from society. We'll just stay in a tent, we won't do something too drastic. But i have no idea what to pack. Do I pack nice things in case things get heated? I mean, come on, we're going to be alone in the middle of a forest...together for two whole days. The door opens showing Izzy. "My Clary sense's were tingling," she says.
      "What?" I ask. Izzy rolls her eyes.
      "Jace told me you were going camping, knowing you you have no idea what to pack, and besides, we haven't hanged out since book two,"
      "What?" I ask again.
      "Nothing, just let me help." Izzy says. I smile at her and thank her.
       "What type of clothes do I wear?" I ask.
"Wear something that looks innocent, but with a different point of view can look hot as hell," izzy says as she starts going through my clothes.
       "Izzy...innocent and hot don't go together....they're polar opposites," I say as I sit down on my bed.
      "No, when they come together they make you," Izzy says. She then throws me a bunch of clothes. I look through them. They were all different random clothing. "Start making outfits," Izzy says. I sigh and start making different types of outfits. In the end I had seven different outfits.
     "Izzy, we'll only be there one day, I only need two outfits and one pajama," I say.
     "I know, now we just have to choose two of these." Izzy explains. I sigh and look at the clothes. "Ok, how about this," Izzy grabs a camp shirt and cargo shirt shorts with combat boots. "Here! This is perfect!" Izzy says as she gives me the clothes. "Put then on, then we can put cute little pigtails on you! You'll look amazing!" Izzy then grabs another outfit. They were jeans with a cropped tank top. "Wear braids with this one...and don't forget bug spray, you'll need a lot of that," izzy says.
    "I won't" I say as I put the tank top and jeans in a bag with the big spray. Izzy puts back the rest of the clothes. I go into the bathroom and change into the camo shirt and cargo shorts. I tie my combat boots and put my hair in pigtails. I come out from the bathroom. Izzy grins.
     "Jace will flip when he see's you!" Izzy says. I smile shyly at her. "I put one of Jace's shirts in your bag with a few gifts," I raise my eyebrows at izzy.  "They're not bad, and boys like it when girls wear their shirts, so just go for it." Izzy says.
     "Ok, thanks I guess," i smile at her. "I'm gonna go put my stuff in the SUV and wait for Jace." I say.
      "Bye, have fun, and be safe!" Izzy calls out as I start to leave. I glare at her. "I'm serious, there could be bears out there, you won't want to be dinner," Izzy says with a laugh.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now