Clace 2

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Screw private family moments. I run up to him and slide down next to him. "Jace....Jace are you ok? What happened?" I ask. Jace grabs my hair and pushes me closer to him, his face burying into the crook of his neck. "Jace," I whisper. Liquid falls onto my neck, Jace was crying. I hug him tightly, not wanting to let go. I put my lips next to his ear. "It's ok," i say lightly. He puts me next to him lightly and walks out of the house. Crap, what did I say. I get up and run outside, I look around for Jace, I then see him leaning on the fence, i walk up to him. "Jace?" I ask.
"It's not ok Clary! It's not ok!" Jace says angrily as he looks at me. I bite my lip and look away guiltily, I've been through enough to know that 'it's ok' doesn't mean crap, it's worse than saying nothing! . "My parents are getting a divorce....." Jace says. "My mom cheated on my dad...she wasn't raped..." Jace whispers. I look up at Jace in shock.
      "What?" I ask.
      "I just...i..." Jace looked so broken, it broke my heart to see him like that. I rake my fingers through his blonde hair. His breath starts to slow, telling me that he's calming down.
      "I'm here.....I'm here,"  I whisper. He breathes me in lightly.
      "I'm sorry....god, i'm so sorry....i shouldn't have snapped, i know better than to-," i interrupt him.
      "Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey,"I whisper as I lift his head up so he looks at me. His golden eyes were filled with pain, guilt and regret.  "You shouldn't be sorry about that! It's ok, I know you're hurt, I won't put this over your head," I murmur.
       "But.....last time...I....I snapped and ended up....." I lightly brush my lips across Jace's lips.
       "Are you free? For the rest of the weekend?" I ask Jace.
       "Yeah....why?" He asks.
"I think we should get away for a while," I say.
    I lean against the wall. I should throw this away right? But where? I look around for a good black to hide this. It would be way too risky to throw it in the dumpster, someone might find it. Maybe you should just take it. He said it would make the pain go away. Right now that sounds impossible. I look at the bag filled with cut up chocolate. I open the bag and grab a piece. I sigh as I look at the small innocent looking piece. Can this really make the pain go away? I move it closer to my mouth. I then stop. This is how it starts... drug dealers giving you drugs for free to hook you, then the next thing you know, you're broke because of how expensive it is. I can't do that..I barley have money, I can't do this to Clary, Jocelyn or anyone else. I sigh and put the chocolate back in the bag. I grab a box of whoppers and empty out the box. I put the bag inside the whoppers. I then put the whoppers in the trash bag and dump it in the dumpster.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now