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As Jace kills the engine I turn to look at him. "I just got a cat," I say in shock.
"Your mom's gonna kill you," Jace says as he looks at me. I start laughing in hysteria. I put my head to the dashboard.
"God, I'm an idiot," i say.
"No you're not," I look at Jace.
"Really? I just got a cat!" I say bitterly and look away from Jace.
" saved a cat," I look back at Jace, he was holding up the kitten. He was looking at it with love. The cat gave a small meow. Jace puts the kitty down. The cat rubs itself against Jace as it purs, "she would've died Clary,"
"She?" I ask.
"Yeah," Jace picks up the cat again. "It's a girl," I've picked up Magnus's cat chairman meow and the lightwood's cat church enough times to know that the cat is indeed a She. "Now, what are you going to name her?" Jace asks grinning. I bite my lip and take the kitten away from him. He kitten looks at me with her big electric blue eyes. She meowed again as she looked at me.
"Twizzy," I say, Jace raises his eyebrows. "Like Twizzlers, I've seen both black and blue Twizzlers," I explain. "Plus it has Izzy in it and she reminds me of her," I explain. Jace grins and puts his face next to mine. The kitty meows again.
"She does have that same fire in her eyes doesn't she?" I nod. I put Twizzy on my lap. I look at Jace. "If your mom kicks Twizzy out....I'll keep her," Jace promises.
"Really?" I ask. He nods smiling. He puts his finger under my chin and pulls me closer to him. My eyelids close lightly. I feel Jace's lips brush mine. I wrap my arms around his neck. He then pulls away and looks at me. His golden eyes were a shade darker.
"We should go," He says. I nod and open the car door. I grab Twizzy, Twizzy was still really skinny. I put her in my coat when she starts shivering. I can feel Twizzy pur. Jace carries everything else inside. No one was downstairs. I walk upstairs, everything was quiet. Weird. I walk into Izzy, Pixy and my room with Jace. I sit down on the far corner of the door. I put the two bowls on the floor. I fill one up with food. Twizzy starts eating immediately. I get up and fill the other plate with water. I go back where Twizzy is. She starts drinking and eating so quickly, it's like she can't decide what she wants more, water or food. I set up the kitty litter, hopefully she knows how to use it, as if to prove my point, after wiping both plates clean, Twizzy goes to the kitty litter and does her business. I pick it up and flush it down the toilet. I give Twizzy more food and water, and she eats it quickly.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now