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    "My, My Regina George, don't you have quite a story," Magnus says. Simon comes into the room. He had a smile and snow in his hair. "Salmon, is that lipstick on your lips?" Magnus asks.
      "You kissed my sister?" Alec asks.
       "I've done that hundreds of times, and my name is not Salmon, it's Simon!" Simon says.
        "Well, everyone's vented, anything you have to say Bella Swan?" Magnus asks me.
      "Why Bella Swan?" I ask.
       "She barley speaks throughout the whole movie, and she's boring and blends into the background, would you rather I call you Tantor the elephant from Tarzan? I don't think so Bella Swan," Magnus says.
       "Ok then," I whisper.

    For the past three days I've been locked in the bathroom. Pixy, Juny and Izzy are the only ones I let in. They give me food, ice cream, pillows, blankets and more ice cream as i cry. I feel stupid for crying. But forty-Seven girls?! Do I even stand a chance? I mean, I can't hate him for moving on, especially if the girls were at least a little bit like Jazzy then it's obvious why he would give himself to her, whoever she is. He's always been better than me in the physical department, I just guess I got too carried away with how I did deserve Jace that I forgot that I'm ugly, and I'll always be ugly. Always that scrawny little girl with glasses and braces who looked disgusting and was the laugh of the whole school. Who would never get married or have a boyfriend in her life. Just like Jace said. Whether he meant it or not doesn't matter. The point is that it's true, and it pops the bubble I've been living in since I got up and thought Jace didn't deserve me and that i didn't deserve his crap. I scoop up more ice cream and put it in my mouth as yet another sob escapes.

    I see Juniper in the swings. We've been talking a lot the last three days. Juniper was wearing her panda hoodie. With gray sweat pants.

She had her nike shoes on and her hair was in a bun

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She had her nike shoes on and her hair was in a bun. I look at her wrist and see the marks. I've been eying them for a while, but she never catches me, now she does. And she quickly pulls her sleeve to cover them. I look at her eyes. "Juniper....I know what those scars are from...." I raise my sleeve and show her my wrist. "What i want to know is why you did that?" I ask.
      "I can't tell you," she says as she hugs her knees.
       "Why?" I ask softly.
       "Because...i like you, And if I tell you, you won't like me back." Juniper says. I take a deep breath.
         "What If i....what If i tell you about....about mine.....would you tell me about yours?" I ask. I have never told anyone the full story. Not even my grandmother.
         "Alright....I'll tell you," she whispers.

What do you think is Juniper's scar story?

What about Kasey? What do you think happened to him?

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now