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I hope you like this chapter! I'm officially back with this book!
     I was doing homework on the kitchen counter, I had fallen behind on so many assignments. My mom came into the kitchen. "Wow! What's all this?" She asks, shocked at all the papers. "Well, I have to start catching up on these or else I won't graduate..." I explain. "I'm almost done, I've been up since yesterday doing this.." i explain. 
      "What? Clary! You can't stay up all night doing this! You have to have a social life! You would think they would go easy on you after everything that happened!" My mother says, wincing slightly as she remembers my kidnapping.  
       "I guess getting kidnapped is not a strong enough reason," I say with a shrug. My mom tenses up at that.
       "So," She says desperate to change the subject. "Have you seen Jace lately?" She asks. I look up at her, then look back down. She took me by surprise.
       ", I haven't seen Jace..."
     "Did something happen?" My mom asks, worried, she grabs my hand that was holding the pencil.
       "N-no....i just....I just notice that I haven't talked to Jace... the last time I even spoke to him was....a few days after I got discharged from the hospital..." I say. I try to shake it off my brain. I had one more math problem to go, and then Friday's homework and then I could go see Jace.
"Clary....go...It's ok, I'll do this for you," my mom says. I turn to look at my mom. "You've already done all of this, I think one day of homework that I do for you won't effect your responsibility," my mom says. I smile at her and start to go out the door. I suddenly stop as I see what I'm wearing. I have the cinema's uniform on, my hair was a greasy mess with popcorn i between it. I looked terrible. I run up the stairs and go into the shower. I quickly wash off all the popcorn. I brush my teeth while I'm in the shower. I then get out of the shower and dry myself as fast as I can. I put on some clothes and brush my hair. I had a sweater and jeans on. I run out the door as I put on my boots. I get to Jace's door and knock on it. The door opens, before I even see who opened the door, i say
"I need to talk to Jace," I say, then my eyes focus on the person in front of me. It wasn't any of the Herondale's. "Who are you?" I ask.

    "I'm Nick," He says

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    "I'm Nick," He says. I frown in confusion. He sighs and walks past me. I walk inside the house, there was a broken lamp next to me, the house was a mess. I walk towards the kitchen, I hear Celine Crying inside. I open the door and see Imogene with tears in her eyes, they weren't sad tears, they were angry. I shouldn't be here, this is a private family moment, I shouldn't have come. I was about to leave when a figure catches my eye. Jace was sitting against the wall, he looked destroyed, his hair was messy, he had dark circles under his eyes.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now