Movie Theater (3)

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Jonathan had to work late at the cafe, so I waited in the porch for him to arrive. I was on the porch swing, I had a red plaid dress with black leggings and black boots, I had a spike bracket, I shivered at the cold, as Jace came outside.

    "It's getting late Juny, i don't think he's coming," Jace says

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"It's getting late Juny, i don't think he's coming," Jace says.
"He promised he would, so I'm going to sit here and wait, until the last viewing is over,"
"Juny....i don't want you hurt," Jace says.
"Jace...Jonathan is your best friend other than he's Clary's brother, he won't hurt me," I say. Jonathan then pulls over.
"Kasey's also a nice guy, and Clary's cousin, but he hurt you..." Jace says. I shake my head.
"No, that was me...i hurt myself," i say as I stand up and walk towards Jonathan. I get into his car.
"I'm so sorry I'm late, i didn't mean to-," I interrupt him by kissing him. Jonathan freezes up. I then pull away and look up at him. "I...uh....ok...are there any more viewings?" He asks.
"Yes, so, do you wanna go?" I ask him. He smiles at me.
"Sure," He says. We get there and go into the cinemas hand in hand. I look over at where they sell the ridiculously expensive candy and popcorn and see Kasey. He doesn't see me, but I see him, he had his uniform rolled up, and his buttons un buttoned, his hair was also messy. I wanted to go over there and run my hands through his hair, fixing it. But instead I show no emotion. I look up at Jonathan and walk into the dark room where they are showing the movie.

I sigh as I kept working. "When do we close?" I ask.
"12:30, we took all three shifts," Clary explains. I sigh and start sweeping the floor. It's 12:00 pm, I guess I've been too busy to pay attention to the clock. I swept all the trash up and cleaned the counters with clary's help. The people from the last viewing come out, we needed half an hour to clean up and close up. I look up at the sea of people and see a familiar black haired girl with purple and pink tips. Juniper. She was next to Jonathan, talking and giggling with him, he then leaned down and kissed her. All of a sudden, I didn't feel numb anymore, but now I wish I did feel numb. Emotions ran through me, so many emotions. Anger, depression, envy, frustration, but most of all pain. It was all so strong. I wished for days for me to feel something other than emptiness, but now I wish I had the numbness back. Right now as I see the live of my life kissing my cousin. Juniper and Jonathan leave, I looked at Clary.
"Can you close up on your own, please?" I beg.
"Yes, of course, you can go home," Clary says. "Here are the keys, I'll call Jace to come and get me...he's probably up..." she didn't say it, but i know what she was thinking. He's probably up waiting for Juny to come back from her date. I nod and change out of my clothes in the bathroom. I walk to Clary's car and start driving off. I'm 15, I'm not exactly a legal driver, but i still know how to drive. I drive home with no complications and run up the stairs to my room. I slam the door to my room. I needed to feel some sort of relief from all the pain I'm feeling. I open a small drawer and find them. I grab the package and rip them open. They were razor blades. I grab one of them and slit my wrists. The relief felt so good that I slit them two more times.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now