All Hell Breaks Loose (4)

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WARNING: There are some triggering subjects in this chapter, please skip it if you're easily triggered.
     "Hey, Daniel, shouldn't you be controlling your daughter?!" Luke asks.
      "Freedom of speech, Luke,"

    Tyler pulls me away from the living room as Daniel says "freedom of speech, Luke," I gulp as he turns me towards him.
     "What are you wearing?!" He asks. I look down at the dress nervously. I was in a rush when I went to get it, and the manicune had a well covered dress, but I guess the lady swapped the dress with this one.
       "Don't you like it?" I ask.
        "Like it? You look like a slut!" Tyler hisses. I look down at the floor. "Why are you so desperate?! Do you want to get screwed by Aaron or someone?! Every damm summer it's the same with you!" Tyler says.
         "I get hot under all the layers you make me wear!" I explain. "I know what happens when you're why would I want to test you?!" I ask.
"I don't know! Foolishness?! But I am done playing your games!" Tyler says. I gulp in fear. He grabs my wrist painfully.
"Tyler please...not again, please...there are people in the house....y-you can't, please" I whimper pathetically. Tyler then drags me away. He pushes me into a room. He closes the door and locks it. I put my back to the wall. "Please don't," I whimper. He takes off his belt. And folds it. He walks towards me. I whimper again as he bends me over, his hand locking painfully into my shoulder as he does. "Please" i whimper. He then brings his belt down on my back. I yell in pain. He's hit me before, but never this hard.

     I herd a light Yelp of pain, I look behind me and then walk out of the room as people keep fighting. I go towards the yelps, it gets louder and louder. I recognized the yelps, they were Lisa's. I finally stop behind the door. I slowly and quietly try to open the door. Locked. I grab a bobby pin and pick the lock quietly. I then open the door, just as the belt hits Lisa's back. I can't stop the scream of horror that leaves my lips as I see the scene in front of me. Jace is the first one next to me. Tears flow down my cheeks. I'm not sure exactly what happened, I just know that Jace and Aaron held back Tyler as Luke Called 911. Lisa collapses to the ground, blood was all over her back, flooding out. Holly bell and Joy run to their mother in tears. I fall into Magnus's chest, not caring if it looks weird or anything like that, I didn't even care who it was, I just needed to fall on someone. I sob my heart out into his chest.  How long has this been happening? How long has Lisa had to bare her husbands hits? The police come into the room and make everyone get out of the house. The ambulance takes Lisa into the ambulance and drive off. The police cuff Tyler and throw him into the cop car. And there we were. All of us standing there, watching the cop car drive away with Tyler, who was abusing Lisa secretly. Holly and Bell on the floor balling their heart out for their parents, while Joy tried to comfort them and be strong without falling into tears herself. I burry my face into Jace's Chest he hugs me tightly and caresses my hair. There was only one thing in my mind.

Now what?


I'm taking my week long break now!

Don't worry! You'll keep getting updates in this story, believe me, this story is going to be a LONG one,

But here! I'll give you something to dwell on!

Will Lisa survive?

What happens to the lightwoods after the divorce?

What about the Herondales?

Will Stephan accept his now none biological daughter?

What about Kasey and Juniper?
Kasey will have to go back and live with his grandmother, so what about their relationship?

And what about Pixy and Roxy?

So many questions, so much Wait 😂

Mkay, that's all I have to say,



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