The Break up (2)

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It's been two days since Clary and Jace woke up, they've been at the hospital, they're supposed to get back tomorrow. I get back home from the brooklyner apartment homes. I had finally gotten an apartment with one bedroom and one bathroom. It was small, but it was a start. I go into Pixy's room and see her leaning on the closet. I grin and walk up to her. I kiss her lips quickly, waking her up from her daydream. She was still in her coffee shop clothes. "I have killer news! I finally got it! We have an apartment!" I say happily. She just looks at me, emotionless. "What? What happened?" I ask, getting worried.
     "Roxy....I'm breaking up with you...."
     "Wh-wa-what?" I ask.
     "I said I'm breaking up with can have the apartment, ok? Just...go," Pixy says.
     "What did I do? I can...we can fix this, just tell me what i did." I say with tears in my eyes.
      "You didn't do anything,"
      "I obviously did something! So just tell me!" I say as I grab her arm desperately.
      "I just don't want you anymore!" Pixy says. I let go of her arm in shock. "I found someone...and I don't want to cheat on you....I won't stoop to that i'm breaking it off," She says. My heart broke as she said that.
      "What?"I ask as tears Pool into my eyes.
     "Roxy...leave.." Pixy says.
      "Who is she?" I ask.
       "No!" I say as I wipe a tear that had escaped. "Who..." I ask as I break off into a choked sob.
       "Leave," Pixy says.
      "'re going to throw everything away...for some girl you just met?!" I ask in tears.
      "GO! JUST LEAVE!" Pixy says as she pushes me out of the room and slams the door.

   And that's what happened. She shoved me out of her room while I was in tears.

    I sigh as I finally get up and go to the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. Things changed so quickly, And so badly. We were all so happy, and then everything fell apart...funny how a few weeks ago everyone but me and Jace were happy with their significant others and now it's the other way around. The only ones who haven't been effected is Magnus and Alec, and Izzy and Simon. I sigh as I brush my teeth. I have to go to school tomorrow and face everyone, at least I won't be alone...i'll have Jace.  There's a tap on the window. I spit out the toothpaste and rinse my mouth. I glance at what I'm wearing. I glare at the stupid gray snowflake onesie I had.

There's a seventy five percent chance it's Jace, and I'm wearing a childish onesie

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There's a seventy five percent chance it's Jace, and I'm wearing a childish onesie....great. I sigh as I walk over to the window. I open the window and see Jace. He pulls me in and kisses me, not even noticing the onesie.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now