Pixy's Jar

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Here's the thing....I'm changing junipers physical traits, so now she looks like this,

I'm changing junipers physical traits, so now she looks like this,

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     I stomp into the salon. I sit down on the chair. "Change it, please," I beg. The woman nods.
"How would you like it?" She asks. I look at the woman through the mirror and grin.
"Surprise me,"

"Ok, here, I'll give you half of my tips to put in the Jar," Roxy says. I grab Roxy's hand. She looks up at me. "You don't have to stay at a hotel....we could be saving so much more...if you could just let me talk to Jocelyn, she would-,"
"Pixy....I can't....what if she kicks you out? Or us? I mean, pix....you have a place to stay! I know that you being here gives you food, water, shelter, acceptance, and safety....that's all I want Pix....if we tip the scale, Jocelyn could kick you out...and my hotel room isn't......safe..." She says.
"Roxy.." i say.
"Pixy..." i hug her tightly.
"Let me try...please..."
"Fine...." she pulls away and looks at me. "But If she shows even one sign of getting angry.....promise me you'll stop," Roxy says. I nod, "ok....bye, I love you," Roxy kisses me and then walks away. I open the door and see Kasey on the couch. He had a stupid smile on his face.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask.
"Because...for once in my sad depressing life....I'm actually, truly, happy," Kasey says.

    I was curled up In the corner of the end of the bed. I herd the cries and hits and tortures, but they were now barley there, Veronica was also being tortured somewhere. I see Sebastian walk into the cell. Fear erupts in my chest. I try to back away from him, but the chains don't let me. "Stay away," I tell Sebastian. He grins sickenly.
      "Aw, Clary, look at you, you sweet sweet innocent little girl. Tell me? Have you ever gone intimate?" I don't say anything. "Because you sure as hell will now," Sebastian says. He then swoops me up and kisses me sickly. I feel tears burning my eyes.
       "Stop....please...stop..." I want Jace....I just want Jace...even though he thinks I'm annoying....i just want Jace....

     I kept walking around, searching desperately for Clary, looking for anything that could lead me to her. It's very late, but i can't, i won't stop searching for her. Its all my fault, all of it, if I didn't snap at her...she wouldn't have ran off, she wouldn't have gotten kidnapped...she would still be here, with me...she might be dead for all I know! Angst starts burning in my stomach, bile rising in my throat, I felt sick, really sick. What if she's gone? What if she's hurt? What if....what if she's dead? What if I never get to talk to her? Hold her? Kiss her? And the last words I said to her, were "Stop bothering me"?!

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now