Courtney's Phone call

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My phone starts ringing, i pick up the phone and look at the phone. I grin and answer. "Hey, thanks for the inside info..."
"What info?"
"You know, the one about did you find out about that by the way?"
"I have my methods, Listen, all we have to do now is make Jace break it off with Clary,"I scoff.
"Please, thats impossible, he's so...mesmerized by her," I say.
"We need him to at least snap at her,"
"And what do you propose?" I ask.

I sigh as I eat my third cupcake. I hear a knock on my window. I open it and see a note.

Hey beautiful,
I'm sorry for shutting the blinds on you, I love you, ok?

I want to make it up to you,

Meet me in my backyard at 9:30, I'll be waiting.


I smile at the note, i go upstairs and take a shower, if I'm going, then i at least want to look and smell nice.

I hear a knock at my window. I roll my eyes and open it, I was really getting tired of clary coming over and knocking, she did it at least five times a day.

I'm tired of you ignoring me, i want you to talk to me, i just want to know if you're ok, so I'll be here at nine, please talk to me,


I roll my eyes in annoyance. Why can't she see that i just want to be alone?! I angrily crumple the note and throw it away.

     I had a tight white blouse with a black skirt, I had a choker and black high heels, I don't know if this is too much, I open the door to Jace's back yard and look around for him. I kept looking for him, I frown and unfold the note to re read it.
Hey beautiful,
I'm sorry for shutting the blinds on you, I love you, ok?

I want to make it up to you,

Meet me in my backyard at 9:30, I'll be waiting.


   So where is he? "Unbelievable," i turn around as I hear the voice. "I thought you were joking...I know that you've been coming to my window every day for days now, and I would've thought you'd eventually get it, that you would eventually get that I want to be alone, my family is about to break, it's at the verge of breaking, you of all people should know how that feels, so do us all a favor and STOP BOTHERING ME," Jace yells. I turn my head just as he yells, tears clouding my eyes.
    "Ok," I breathe painfully. I slowly look back towards where Jace was. He wasn't there anymore. I hug myself tightly and get out of the Herondale's backyard, i go towards the park. The park, the park where Jace first started talking to me, where we became friends at. I sat down on the bench as I cry my heart out. Then, all of a sudden, a white cloth is suffocating me, I try to not give in, not let the darkness take me, but in the end, it does, and I'm surrounded by darkness.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now