Seb's truth

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Welp, for all of you who wanted to know what's up with Jace (little_squirrel_234 ) here you are 🙃
    "That's what you said last time! If it where just a concussion she would be awake by now!" I hear my mother say as I wake up. "It's been a whole week! She doesn't even know what happened to Jace!" Jocelyn says.
      "What if she never wakes up?! What if she misses Jace's funeral," that woke me up.
       "What did you say?!" I ask.

    I walk into the Cafe. I had my blue hair in a rock star ponytail with a shirt that exposed my sides showing off my black Lacey bra, my shirt had the Channel logo, I also had purple pastel shorts with black Lacey tights
And spikes high heel boots.

    I also had my new work apron, it was tied around my hips

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    I also had my new work apron, it was tied around my hips. I walked up to the counter and see Jonathan. "Hey....where's Pixy?" I ask.
     "I don't know, I think some girls named Danny and...i don't know, something else wanted to see her, I don't really pay attention," I roll my eyes.
     "No shit Sherlock," I say as I turn around looking at the door as I lean my elbows on the counter. "Anyways, guess who got a better paying job that is only half time?" I ask.
      "Who? The pig?"
     "No!" I say as I smack Jonathan's head. "Me!" I say.
      "Oh, ok, same thing then," Jonathan says. I roll my eyes.
     "You're lucky you're my girlfriends cousin." I say. Pixy then comes inside. She was kinda upright. She walks up to the register and looks at Jonathan.
      "I just came here to tell you that I'm taking the day off," Pixy says. She then turns around without even acknowledging me. I grab her arm and turn her around.
       "Hey....are you ok?" I ask.
       "Yup, everything's fine," Pixy says.
      "Uh....ok...well, anyways, I have good news, I got a new job, it's at Lux," Jonathan tips the stack of coffee cups over.
"Lux?! Isn't that a strip club?" Jonathan asks. Pixy tenses up. I glare at Jonathan.
"Yes, but as I said, I'll be working the bar!" I tell him. I then look back at Pixy. "Anyways, It's a step up from working here...I could get you a job if you want,"
"No, it's fine," Pixy says, I could tell it wasn't fine, she put anger in her words.
"Ok then," I murmur. I go to kiss her goodbye but she turns, I get her cheek instead.
"Bye," Pixy says as she walks out of the cafe.
"You know she's not fine,"
"Yeah, I got that," I spit venomously.

"Let's go Verlac," The cop says as he grabs me from the cell. He then throws me into a room and closes the door. Used Courtney on the other side. She had her short red hair in her two ponytails with a revealing leather dress with her black boots. She see's me and runs up to me. She grabs my face and kisses me. I grab her hips, not being able to wrap my arms around her because of the chains.
"Why Seb?" Courtney asks. Her blue eyes looking at me with sadness.
"Don't do that court, you know why i had to, Why do you think Clary hasn't been raped by me? If I really wanted I wouldn't have made that guy slam the door when he saw Jace walking by! I wouldn't have left the window curtains opened, and I certainly wouldn't have let Jace beat me up! She has my mother Courtney.....I love you...i don't care about Clary, I, want, you"

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now