Clary and Jace's time

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    I look inside the bag and see a note
Hey Clary,
So, I made some last minute changes, your clothes are at the bottom of this bag, but please look at the things I got you. Hopefully you get to use it;)


   I dump the things inside the bag. I gasp as I see the contents of it. My clothes were there, but my underwear wasn't, instead there was Lingerie, and a row of condoms with a sticky note on it.

Be safe, Kids ;)
   I blush profusely. I put the row of condoms in one of the outside pockets. I then put on the lingerie and button up Jace's shirt. It was a black long sleeved button up shirt. I roll up the sleeves and put my hair on my shoulders.  The tent then opens showing Jace with a plate of food. "Sorry I took so long," Jace says as he closes the tent, not noticing me yet. "Are you hun-," Jace breaks off as he see's me. "-gry? that my shirt?" Jace asks. I blush.
    "Um, well...I...uh....y-yes," i say embarrassed.   Jace smiles and puts the plate down on the floor. He inches towards me.
      "You look so cute when you blush," Jace whispers. "Especially with my shirt on," Jace's eyes darkened. I bite my lip, he looks up at me, he then leans into me and kisses me. I let out a huff of air and kiss him back. My fingers interwine with his hair. Jace pulls my waist closer to his body. He slowly lays us down into the pile of blankets we have. He was on top of me, kissing me sweetly. My hands move out of his hair, down his neck and down his back. I tug on Jace's shirt lightly. He breaks the kiss and takes it off. I run my hands across his chest and stomach. Then, the lightern lighting turns off. Jace pulls away from the kiss.
     "I'm gonna go get a flashlight," Jace whispers. Without thinking I say
     "I have one in my bag," shit!  What if he finds something he's not supposed to?! But it was too late. Jace has already stood up and went towards my bag.

     I grab the flashlight from her bag, something fell out from her bag. I pick it up and see a row of condoms. Was she expecting us to have sex? I turn the flashlight on and go back towards Clary. She was on the blankets, she had my shirt on, she had a small strip of black lace that was poking out of my shirt. Lingerie. She thought we were going to... "hey Clary," I say as I sit down next to Clary. She looks up at me questioning. "When I took out the flashlight from your bag...this fell out..." I say as I show her the condoms. Clary's face goes red.
"I..uh....I..." She stutters, completely embarrassed.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now