Sebastians failure

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"Alright, It's done, tell me, what do you think?" The stylist asks. I look in the mirror and gasp.

     It was shorter than before, and the color was different and beautiful and that's exactly what I need

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It was shorter than before, and the color was different and beautiful and that's exactly what I need. "I love it! How much?"
"$200,"I give her two one hundred dollar bills and a twenty for tip.
"Thank you so much!" I say happily as I walk out of the salon.

     i sit at the foot of the small, old bed. I hear screams and sobs once in a while, Victoria was god knows where, suffering, somewhere in here. I hear the cell door open. I stand up, Sebastian was at the door. He closes the cell door and looked at me. "Oh, Clary..." he said as he walked towards me. He tucked a strand of red hair behind my ear. "You know..I've had you here for a while, dragging your hope, and now, you have none," Sebastian whispers.
     " you haven't,"
     "Oh? I haven't? You know one's looking for you," Sebastian says. "Jace is actually doing better with you gone, remember were just a bother to him," Sebastian says. Tears pool into my eyes.
     "I....I'm not a bother to h-him...I am his girlfriend..." I say.
     "C'mon clary, we both know you're a bother to him, but to, you'll be very valuable," Sebastian whispers as he caresses me. "I think it's time for you to finally give me what I deserve," Sebastian whispers sickeningly.
"Sebastian, don't,"
"You can't tell me what to do," Sebastian breathes. He then takes off my chains and roughly pushes me out of the cell.

I was desperately looking for Clary. I needed to find her. I was so deep into desperately looking for any signs of my red head that I didn't even notice where I was a door opens, but i barley register it, until o hear the door slam close. I look at the house, it was old, but not creepy or abandoned. I look into the window I see little girls in bunk beds, as if it were some sort of concentration camp, like the ones I saw in text books. I walk towards the side of the house, I see a small window. I looked inside the window and see A blonde unconscious girl in the corner. The door to the room opens showing Sebastian and Clary. My eyes widen, Sebastian then pushes Clary to the ground and starts in doing his pants. I fumble with my phone and dial 911.
"911, what's your emergency?"
"Hi, my name is Jace Herondale, and- and I'm at Clairemont Avenue 112, house 145, my girlfriend is in the house, she's about to get raped, please come quick!" I say.
"Mr. Herondale, we are very busy right now...we'll be there in thirty minutes,"
"I don't have thirty minutes!"
"Sir, we are doing everything that we can-," I hang up, I send a quick text and run to the front door. I kick the door open. Right as I do that a few men come out of rooms.
"Hey!" I ignore them and run to the basement, I open the door and see Sebastian on top of clary, sliding her pants down. I grab Sebastian's shirt and throw him across the room.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now