The break up (1)

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OMG! This is the 60th chapter of I'LL LOVE YOU EITHER WAYYYYYY! This is long as NeRds! Anyways, here it is😉
  I was lying on my bed with Twizy, she was asleep, purring in my arms. I had missed Twiz, her comforting pur, and her milk smelling coat. And apparently she missed me too, since she rubbed herself all over me when I came in. It's been a week since I came back. But he say I came was the most heartbreaking of welcoming's.

     I walk into my house with my mom, Luke had to go to the bookstore for some orders, and my mom had to leave to go to a meeting in a few minutes. "Ok, Clary, I have to leave to go to the meeting, i'll be back late, so don't wait up," Mom says. I smile at her as she walks out of the door. I sigh as I turn around. Kasey was in the kitchen doorway, I grin at him as I walk towards him.
"Hi!" I say as I hug him. He doesn't hug me back. I frown as I pull away. "What's going on?" I ask.
"Things Changed," Kasey whispers.
"What?" I ask. Kasey looks up at me. His eyes were blue, like always, except they were broken. His hair was brown, like always, except it was dull. "What happened?" I ask.
"Jun-.....She...she broke up with me...." Kasey says, shocking me to silence. "And...Pixy broke up with Roxy..."
"What? Why? What happened?" I ask in shock.

I was on the floor of my new apartment in New York, i should be jumping with joy with my girlfriend. But instead I'm here, my blue hair faded, making my hair be an ugly Ginger color, my brown hair had started to grow back, which made my hair look even uglier. It started off as Brown, and then got chopped off by the bleached ginger color. She broke up with me.

I was in the arcade room at the mall, kids my age were running around playing. "Ok, that will be $5.68," the lady says.  I give her six dollars and she gives me the change. I grab my food and run to a table.
     "Roxanna," I hear my mother say.
     "Yes mommy?" I ask.
     "I wanted you to meet my boyfriend, Gill," Gill looked at me with a sick smile. I smile at Gill shyly.
     "Mommy, can I go play?" I ask. She sighs and nods. I then run to the dancing machine, I could see my reflection from the screen. I have brown hair and blue eyes.

Imagine she has blue eyes

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Imagine she has blue eyes.

     I put in a quarter from the change the lady gave me. From the reflection in my screen I saw a girl with platinum blonde hair and green eyes. She was very pretty.

She was staring at me, I put another quarter and turn around to see her

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She was staring at me, I put another quarter and turn around to see her. "You wanna play?" I ask.
      "Oh, uh, no, it's fine, you can go," she says.
      "I already gave the machine a quarter...and I only have eighteen cents left over, so you're gonna have to play," I say. She smiles lightly and jumps up. We start dancing to the machine.
Just imagine the kissing booth scene.

    When we finished I turn to her. "What's your name?"
      "I'm Phoenix, but you can call me Pixy," She says.
       "I'm Roxanna, but you can call me Roxy," I say.
     And that was the first time we met.

I'll love you either way (THIRD BOOK FOR UGLY!) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now