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"So...have you seen your beta naked yet?"
     I roll my eyes and lift my head up from the floor. "Shut up, Jimin! Jeeze, why are you such a pervert?"
      His wide innocent eyes smile down at me from his large fluffy white bed, his pretty robing slipping off his shoulders to reveal his bare body. It doesn't faze me or Jin who both lounge on the soft carpeted floor.
      We're used to being naked around each other, helping each other through our heats. It's just easier to be naked most of the time or in loose garments. Not like any other weres will see us except for our beta guards but they are used to it as well.
He groans. "You're so lucky to have Kookie as your beta! His muscles are so yummy and his scent..." he shudders.
I scoff. "That's disgusting and you know you could never be with a beta. He would be tried and killed just for touching you like that. He wouldn't risk his life for us."
He whines. "An omega can dream, hm? Aren't you curious what it will be like when we get mated? I mean, I've never really seen an alpha but once but I can just image how much bigger and stronger than betas they are...possessive..." He sighs.
I try to tune out his words, my thighs clenching unconsciously at the thought of meeting my future alpha. None of us have actually ever seen an alpha. It's not allowed. We're basically pampered criminals locked up until our destined mates come to claim us. Too important to be released.
"It will happen soon enough, Jimin. Stop swooning over the help." Jin sighs, getting up to lay on the bed and wrapping himself around a grumbling Jimin.
"Yoongi-Ah? Are you okay? You've awfully quiet today."
I glance up, flushing, and nod. "Of c-course. Why wouldn't I be? Just thinking about the future, I guess."
Jimin grins down at me while Jin looks perplexed. "Are you nervous? Hopefully it shouldn't be so terrible. I spoke to my friend that was just mated and he's ecstatic. Already expecting a litter of pups, too."
My eyes widen. "Already? It's only been a week."
He chuckles. "I don't believe it takes long once you've been mated. I believe alphas are rather eager to...Uh...mate us." He flushes, looking flustered.
I groan and flop back down on the floor. "I don't want to be mated. Is that really all we're good for? Having pups? Fulfilling our alphas and keeping them happy? I want more in life than that."
They both look surprised by my words. "B-But that's what we've been waiting for since our birthing. We've been stuck in here our whole lives just for our alphas."
I scoff. "Do you hear yourself? How does that sound right to you? It's not fair! I didn't ask to be born an omega! Why should I be trapped like this— like an expensive toy."
Jin looks down thoughtfully while Jimin rolls his eyes. "You really are something, Yoongi. You've never been like us. Why can't you just accept what is? The world isn't going to change because you're bitter about your lot in life. We have it very good here. We're worshipped and catered and pampered and protected until our send off. Why is that so horrible?"
I glare up at him. How can he not understand? Not get it? Not want more for his life? Am I really the only omega that hates this life? What's the point of even continuing this conversation? It's obvious he'll never understand. "Never mind."
He shrugs his delicate shoulders. I hate how envious I am of Jimin. The perfect example of what a beautiful chastely omega should be, should look like. He's the perfect balance of male with femininity. Angelic pale features.
Jin is much the same. Beautiful and very much perfect. Anyone would worship at his feet for just a glance or sniff of his lovely scent. I'm not like them, though. I'm not as beautiful and delicate. I'm not as obedient and submissive. I probably don't smell as good.
I don't want to be submissive. I don't want to be owned like a plastic doll simply existing to be mated and filled with pups. Ugh.
"You know what? I'm starving. Let's go eat." Jin tries to cheer up the atmosphere. Groaning, Jimin and I get up and trail after our slightly older omega friend.
I eye Jimin's naked body fully on display through the thin white robe loosely tied around his body. That envy comes back twofold.
Jin wraps his arms around me knowingly and I look up at him ashamed. What right do I have to be jealous or envious of either of them? I love them and they love me. We are all each other has. I hate my mind.
"Stop it, Yoongi-Ah. There is nothing wrong with you." He mutters in my ear as Jimin skips ahead uncaring as the betas around us lower their gazes at the shameless omega.
I glance down at my own robe, tightly tucked around my body and fully covered. I'm shy about my body. I don't even let Jungkook—my most trusted beta protector—to see my body. He's supposed to do everything for me from bathing me to feeding me to keeping me safe but I always force him to wait at the door with his eyes averted as I bathe.
"Did you know that Jimin is jealous of you?" He chuckles in my ear as we watch him flirt innocently with Jungkook up ahead. The poor beta tries to avert his gaze but Jimin moves everywhere his eyes go, taunting him with his gorgeous body. It's really the only thing that entertains the bored omega. I suppose they are worse pastimes than teasing the betas around us. Ironically, he doesn't mess with his own beta, Rose, though.
She's a no nonsense beta. I doubt she lets him indulge in his childish acts anyway.
"H-how could he be jealous of me?" I scoff, not believing it for a second.
Jin smiles and kisses my cheek. "He is. It's why he teases Jungkook more than the others. He thinks that he has a thing for you."
I snort. "Me? Why? There's no way..."
He shrugs, opening the door to the kitchen. "Why couldn't it be true? You are just as gorgeous as us, whether you see it or not, Yoongi-Ah."
I shake my head but don't reply. No, how could anyone want me when they could see Jimin and Jin all the time? We all live in the same hall. Not possible.

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