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     The wrath I feel to murder a certain alpha is almost shocking as I cradle a sobbing and broken Jimin in my arms on my and Taehyung's bed. Jimin refuses to go back into the other bedroom without his alpha.
      Unfortunately I can't do anything to make him feel better. I don't understand what exactly happened between them and Taehyung won't say. Just shakes his head and walks away.
      I thread my fingers through the distressed omega's hair and sigh. Yoongi walks into the room, frowning. I notice a few new bites on his neck.
     I wisely choose to hold my tongue, glad those two are no longer arguing. He sits down beside me, looking right at me.
    "I'm sorry."
     I look back, confused. "For what?"
     He groans. "I was...being stupid and insecure and took it out on you."
      I blink. Still confused. "How did I make you insecure?"
     "I don't want to talk about it. I just wanted to apologize."
     "So, I'm guessing you and Hoseok made up?"
      He blushes. "Y-Yeah." He pauses, glancing down at Jimin who is now sleeping in my lap. "He's going to let me claim him." His voice is low and soft.
     I gasp. "An alpha is going to let an omega bite him?"
     He nods, a little smile playing on his lips. "I can't wait."
     I bite my lip, my mind wandering to the idea of biting Taehyung and claiming him as mine. I know he loves me but I don't think even he'd let me do something like that...Yoongi is really lucky.
      I try not to show my jealousy. But it's hard. Eventually Yoongi goes back to his room with Hoseok and Tae carries Jimin back into his bedroom without waking him. The poor thing emotionally drained.
      I decide to bathe while Taehyung makes a few more phone calls. Once I'm done, I cover myself in a silk pale blue robe and walk into the room. Taehyung is shirtless, staring out of the window. His eyes turning towards me as I approach.
      Smiling, he wraps his arm around my waist, tugging me against his body. I sigh in contentment, breathing him in. "Did you get everything you need done?"
      "Mhm. Enough for today. I will have to start work taking over my late father's business tomorrow. I'll be gone for most of the day, unfortunately." He sighs, rubbing his face over my neck.
      Hesitantly, I part my lips as he seeks claim to my mouth, his tongue demanding entrance and dominating me, holding me trapped and a willing prisoner in his firm grasp.
      His touch is perfect...until that dark thought creeps into my mind. Damn it, Yoongi...all I can think about his Taehyung's perfectly unblemished throat.  
      He notices when I stop responding. Pulling back, he studies me. I duck my head, ashamed at my selfish thoughts. I should be happy and satisfied with what we have. I am...
     "What's wrong, sweetheart?"
     I shake my head.
     Sighing, he picks me up and carries me to the bed. I pull my knees up to my chest and avoid eye contact.
     I whimper at his demanding alpha tone. "What's wrong?"
     I shrug, pressing my lips together tightly. It's hard—denying him.
     Sighing, he puts a finger under my chin and forces me to meet his gaze. "I refuse to let us not communicate like Jimin and Namjoon. You will always tell me what you are feeling and what's on you mind. Understand?" His tone is firm but kind.
      My shoulders slump. I've made my alpha unhappy. "I...I'm sorry, alpha. It's just that..." I hesitate, embarrassed. "Yoongi told me something that...that made me jealous." I admit, unable to look up.
     He tilts his head. "And what did he tell you?" His voice a bit darker, a shudder rippling through me as his eyes narrow.
      I swallow hard. "H-Hoseok is letting him...claim him. He's letting Yoongi bite him." I whisper.
      Tae blinks, clearly stunned by this new information. "Oh. I see." He eyes me up and down, scrutinizing every inch of my face. "And I suppose you'd like to...stake your claim on me as well?"
      I flush, shaking my head frantically. "N-no! Of course not! I know my role—"
     "Hush, Jin." He presses a kiss to my lips. "Never be afraid to speak up to me. You want to claim me?" He asks.
      Reluctantly...I nod. Defeated.
     A teasing glint appears in his eyes. "I'll let you."
     My mouth drops open. "What? You'd really...let me..."
      "Actually, I rather like the thought of you sinking your teeth into me." He growls, nipping lightly at my bottom lip.
     I moan. "I r-really want that..."
     "I think I really do, too, baby." He groans, pushing me onto my back and kissing me deeply, commanding my body as he threads our fingers together.
My body arches hungrily under his as he slowly unties my robing unavailing my wager and primed body to him. I gaze up at him with nothing but love and trust as our eyes meet and hold—he lowers his head to my belly and presses a gentle kiss right under my navel.
I know.
And he knows.
Tears spear my eyes as he smiles, winking at me. "So beautiful, my baby." He whispers before pulling back up and kissing me again and again.
I sit up and admire my mate's powerful alpha body as he strips the rest of his clothes off and lays down beside me, pulling me on top of him and sliding my open robe off my shoulders.
He remains riveted on me and a flash of emotions flicker throughout his eyes. I duck my head as my body drips a steady puddle on his abdomen, so turned on and hot that I slip and slide until he grabs my butt and kneads, holding me still.
Licking my lips, I stare wide eyed as he tilts his head to the side, revealing his neck.
"A-are you sure?"
"Baby, the thought of you sinking those pretty little fangs in my flesh so fucking deep..." he shudders, his eyes flashing. "I fucking crave it."
I flush and circle my hips, needing him to push inside and fill me deep. I need it. I need it. Ineeditineeditineedit
I cry out as he quickly spreads my cheeks wide and shoves inside me in one deep perfect thrust. I choke on a moan and settle my weight all the way down on his massive erection. Filling me perfectly. Ahhh....
He cups my cheeks, already wet with tears as he kisses me. "Do it, sweetheart. Show everyone I'm taken." He commands, a little breathless himself.
Nodding, I rock my hips slowly and effortlessly on his cock while collapsing on his chest and leaving gentle kisses on his throat.
He holds still and allows me to do whatever I want. My love and respect for him soars as I draw my fangs and bite down deeply, tasting blood and his musky natural taste. So good...
He growls and goes tense under me. I deepen the bite even more wanting a nice and visible scar. He bucks his hips frantically, losing control, hitting my special spot and causing a broken moan to leave my lips as I slowly remove my fangs, satisfied.
Eyes red and narrowed, he flips me under me and pounds into me hard and fast, my head nearly hitting the headboard except for his hand there to protect my head as he takes his turn to bite down on my throat and reclaim me.
I cry out loudly—unable to control it—and cum hard between us, the sheets soaking under me as his thrusts somehow become even stronger and rough.
I claw at his arms and back, arching my spine as another climax works it's way out of me. He growls, lapping at the blood streaming down my neck before spreading my legs even wider for even deeper access and stuttering his hips, choking out a groan as he fills me with his huge knot.
Whimpering, I squeeze my eyes closed and hold on for dear life as he pours massive amounts of cum inside me. It swells in my stomach. I idly worry there will be no room for our pups...
Our panting is harsh and loud in the aftermath as he threads his fingers through my hair and I smile shyly at the fresh visible red mark on his throat. Right where everyone can see. I feel proud. Right.
Taking a satiated breath, he rolls off me and tucks me into his side, smelling my hair. I cling to him. My mate. My amazing and extraordinarily understanding and kind mate. He's everything I could ever hope for and more. I never dared to dream for someone like him to want me.
"I love you, my omega."
Grinning, I tilt my chin up and peck his mouth. "Love you, too, my alpha."
I close my eyes and let myself ignore all the current issues going on around us. Allowing myself to bask in this blissful moment—just me and him. This becoming my everything for just a moment.

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