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My feet carry me far away from the house back into the woods. I collapse against a wet tree and slide down to the ground. I can't stop staring at my bloody hands.
What the fuck did I do?
How could I lose control like that?
I can never face any of them in there again least of all the omega I just raped and forcibly mated. It doesn't matter that he sparked my anger by blowing up first. It doesn't matter that he came to me demanding to be claimed. It doesn't matter that I let my own dramatic feelings take hold of me.
The jealousy I felt when I imagined him approaching and begging for some other alpha's mark. The knowledge that if I weren't here he would be mated to another alpha simply out of desperation. I hate it.
I hate him for making me this weak. I've always been strong willed and in control but he just does something to me that sends me into a frenzy. It doesn't help that I've been keeping away from him to avoid this exact scenario but I never imagined he'd come and invite it himself.
How could I hurt him like that? I never wanted to. I wanted to keep my distance and hope that my interest in him would subside. No chance. He refused to let it be. He just pushed pushed and pushed until—
I drop my head in my hands and try to breathe. I shouldn't have left him there like I did, either, but I panicked. I was completely out of it until I felt my teeth in his neck and my knot forcing its way inside him. I'm horrified at myself. I'm not this kind of alpha.
What would Taehyung and Hoseok think of me? And Jimin...will he fear me? I don't want to go back. I should just go while I have the will to leave. God, I've prided myself on not being a bad guy despite my circumstances but I'm the criminal others think I truly am. Just great. I feel Jimin and I have just gone full circle.
I don't deserve an omega for my own. I don't deserve Jimin. I want him. Wanted to claim him for a long time but refused to trap him. Now what? I did that very thing. He's tainted by me. Not only have I already ruined his body but now his chances to ever find a true mate. That obviously isn't me. I'm sure now more than ever. If we were true mates I don't think I could have hurt him the way I did.
Groaning, I throw my head back against the tree hard to knock some sense into myself and stare up at the starlight sky. I don't know what to do.
Maybe I can—
A branch snapping from close by draws my attention and I immediately get up and survey the dark woods, using my night vision to help me see.
Silently, I climb up the tree a few feet to get a better view and more cover. A beta. Shit. Why are they patrolling so close to Taehyung's house?
I watch with narrowed eyes as the beta walks rather casually towards the alpha's large home. Panic rises as I realize it's a surprise visit and the omegas are all vulnerable not to mention Hoseok is also still a fugitive.
     Hastily, I mentally go through my options and decide the only thing to do at the moment.
     Attack and defend.
     I hold my breath and wait for him to get closer before breaking off a heavy branch and jumping, slamming the branch over his head. With a loud grunt, he's out instantly.
      I search around to make sure no one else is coming before lifting him over my shoulder and running back towards Taehyung's house. I can't leave right now.
      I'll keep my distance from Jimin but I won't leave officially until I know he's at least safe. I slip inside the house, dragging the beta down into the cellar where I chain him up.
      "Tae! Hoseok!" I run back upstairs to see them already walking out of their rooms to the noise.
      "The fuck? You know how late it is?" Hoseok gripes.
     I glare at him. "We've got problems."
     "What is it?" Tae steps up, instantly on guard.
     "I caught a beta scoping out your property. He was planning a surprise inspection, I think."
    They both curse. "What happened?"
    I hesitate, my eyes drawing immediately to the omega cowering in the shadows. Mine. I look away, ashamed. "I knocked him out and chained him in the cellar. He's still unconscious."
      "Okay, What happened to laying low and staying out of trouble?" Tae groans. "A beta will be missed!"
      "It was a split second decision! Did you want him to find Jin or Yoongi or Jimin?!" I demand.
      "So what are we supposed to do with him? We can't let him go but we can't keep him forever, either."
      Sighing, I rub my neck anxiously. "Maybe we him off or something? Bribe him? I really don't want to kill him." I admit.
     "We can try that." Tae frowns. "We should go check on him."
      Nodding, we all make our way back down towards the cellar, my back tingling as I fight the urge not to look back at Jimin. I can feel his eyes on me. I can't stand to look at him and see the fear and hatred and pain on his face for me. I deserve it, though.
       We all pause at the door, watching as the beta stirs rather quickly despite my hard hit, a trail of blood trickling down his face from the head injury.
      We begin discussing what to do when I hear the omegas coming down. I attempt to stop them but pause when I notice Jimin with them. I step back and look away.
      A loud gasp makes my head jerk back up. Yoongi shoves past us into the room. "Jungkook?!"

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