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I cover my ears and curl up under the covers as I listen to the alphas arguing right outside the door. Mates. True mates...Jin and Yoongi are so lucky.
Why can't I meet a true mate? Is there something wrong with me? Is it because of the way I shamelessly expose myself? Am I being punished?
I let my tears soak the alpha's pillow that I swiped and curled into and bury my head in the rough fabric, breathing in his rich scent. It's so good and calming. Like sandalwood and peaches.
     I just want to drown myself in the scent. I stiffen as the door opens and Namjoon walks back inside. I bite my lip to muffle my whimpering and sink deeper into his pillow. I can feel him standing over me but luckily I'm covered by the thick—
      The blanket is pulled away from me making me yelp. "What are you doing?" He asks cautiously.
      I ignore him, tightening my grip on his soggy pillow. Pouting a little.
      "Omega? Is that my pillow? Why aren't you sleeping?"
      He groans as I continue to ignore him. I'm hurt and insulted. He can't wait to get rid of me!
      He walks around the bed and sits down, attempting to grab the pillow from my grasp. I gasp and tug it hard. "N-no!"
He huffs at me, still trying to snag the pillow from my grasp. "You have a pillow! Give it!"
Grunting, I shake my head and pull it hard. Abruptly, he releases it and I scream, tumbling backwards off the bed with pillow in hand. I wince as my butt hits the floor hard.
I gasp up at the ceiling blankly, sprawling out and hugging the pillow to my chest tightly in victory. A small smile playing on my mouth, I glance up to look teasingly at Namjoon only to pause at the surprising expression on his face.
He looks strained, his lips pressed into a hard line as his dark eyes gaze down at me. His hands fisted tightly in the sheets turning white. I don't understand the problem until I slowly sit up and realize pants slid down in all the commotion of my fall.
My legs splayed open wantonly, my naked privates on full display to his hungry eyes, the large oversized shirt drooping over my shoulder messily displaying one of my engorged nipples from the chill in the air.
I gasp in shame and slap my thighs closed, covering myself with the pillow. My face blood red and hot. Oh my god...
"I...I...I'm sorry—"
"Get up here, omega." He voice is gruff and restrained as he slowly pulls back.
Swallowing hard, I get up and dust my butt off before searching for the shorts. I blink, seeing them in Namjoon's hands. My lips part as I hesitantly sit down on the edge of the bed, unable to look the alpha in the eye. So humiliating...
"Look at me." He demands.
I can't. I can't do it. I'm so embarrassed. Why does this keep happening to me?!
I feel his hand grasp my chin and forcibly tilt my chin up to meet his gaze. I gulp, expecting him to yell at me or belittle me but instead his gaze softens just a bit.
"You're so beautiful." He whispers.
I blink in surprise, tears filling my eyes. "R-really? You really think so?" I ask in a small voice.
His grip on my chin tightens but it doesn't hurt. I don't notice how close he's getting until his hot breath is blowing against my lips. I lick my lips noting how his eyes follow the moments.
I feel a tingling in my stomach and behind, clenching my thighs tighter together as he slowly closes the distance between us. "Yes, I do, Jimin. You're so beautiful." His lips press solidly against mine. My hands struggle to latch onto anything, finding his strong arms to hang on to as he deepens the kiss.
My first kiss.
He groans low in his throat, the rumble from his chest vibrating against my own as I feel myself being pressed down on the bed, his larger body covering mine, the weight comforting and making me feel safe.
I moan, jerking in surprise as his large hands slide under my shirt and barely brush over my nipples. Whimpering, I wiggle my bottom feeling myself getting wet.
It's a strange feeling and one I'm only used to feeling through my heats but never this intense.
And never with an alpha.
I break away from the kiss to breathe as his lips trail down my neck to suck lightly on my damp skin. His fingers plucking my sensitive buds making my eyes roll back and I bite down on his shoulder to muffle my cries.
He growls and lifts up, unlatching my teeth and lips from his flesh. I gasp up at him breathlessly, my body overheated and unable to grasp the hot sensations coursing through it. It's all new. I want more.
"You're too beautiful and perfect to be showing this gorgeous body to anyone but your mate, omega." He commands softly, running his fingers through my hair.
My bottom lip plumps out. "B-but I don't have a mate." I whisper, dropping my gaze. "And p-probably never will."
He scoffs, his fingers tightening in my hair. "Omega...why were you stealing my pillow, hm?" Nuzzling against my throat and biting my adam's apple.
I shudder. " just smells so g-good. It m-made me feel better." I admit, grabbing his face and holding him against my throat. I don't care that he isn't supposed to be looking at my body let alone touching me in any way. I don't care that I'm ruining myself one kiss at a time.
All I care about is the feelings he's pulling out of my body, the emotions coursing through me, the comfort I feel in his presence. Never felt like this before. Never believed I would. Every time I imagined my future alpha...I pictured him cold and callous towards me.
I figured he'd just use me for my body and I'd be left dealing with our pups while he leaves me alone to provide for us and socialize while I'm left lonely. It's really not a life I truly want but it's better than having nothing.
Not as good as this, this...passion?
"You smell really good, too. Almost as good as you look." He whispers, staring into my eyes. I lick my lips accidentally touching my tongue to his as well from his proximity. He narrows his eyes as I blush.
"I d-do?"
      "Mhm hm." His palms slide down my body to caress my hips and thighs. I hold my breath, unsure how to feel as he stops there. I expected him to force my legs open but he doesn't. Instead his hands come back up to either side of my head as he looks down at me. "You smell like fresh rain and juicy apples. It's...mouth watering." He admits.
      I flush, my body squirming underneath his. "You smell like sandalwood and peaches."
       He chuckles. "I suppose we're both fruit and musk lovers, hm?"
      I duck my head. "If Jin and Yoongi don't want to go back...p-please don't make me go. Please let me stay here." I plead, grasping his shirt tightly in my hands.
       He sighs and pulls up. The chill instantly pierces me. I sit up, pulling my knees up to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. "P-please? I'll do anything. I don't want to go back. I thought I did but I l-like it here. I don't care if it's dangerous or harder. I feel much safer here with you than I've ever felt back at the sanctuary. Please..."
      My lips tremble as I wait for his response. "I won't cause trouble. I'll do everything you ask..." I whisper desperately, reaching out and taking hold of his arm.
      He doesn't look at me. "Jimin...."
      Swallowing hard and terrified of rejection, I slowly sit up on my knees and pull the shirt over my head, leaving myself fully exposed to the cold room. Shaking with nerves and fear, I wait for him to finally look at me. I'm not going back. I'll do anything.
       If I'm not pure anymore...I could never go back anyway. How can an alpha really deny a vulnerable omega like this? They can't, right?

Pure; omegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now