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      I munch absentmindedly on an Oreo while trying not to listen to the alphas talking behind us. Both Jin and Jimin are distracted by the movie but I can't get into it. My body is still sore from our earlier 'bonding' time making me uncomfortable no matter how I sit.
      Hoseok is convinced that if we just keep doing it that my body will be forced to accept the changes faster. I think he's full of crap. He's not the one suffering weird illness symptoms and withdrawals from his touch. An awful contradiction.
        It's like my body and mind is confused. Like wires were crossed. I like his touch. He makes me feel good but I get sick when he pushes his knot deep inside me. When he releases in me I want to throw up. Sometimes do. Right on him.
       It's embarrassing and I'm ashamed. He's my mate, I know he is. I feel it. I just don't understand. It's like my body is allergic to him or something. I cry every time it happens even though he doesn't get mad. He caters to me and doesn't distance himself from me as I would expect.
       He's patient and understanding and never makes me feel bad for my body's reactions. He doesn't try to stop either. I know it's taking a toll on him just as much as me. The only time I feel anything like myself is when I'm with Jin and Jimin.
      I hate that I've terrified Jimin now, too. He's scared to go into heat and I think he's even unconsciously forced delayed it, if that's possible.
      Making a face, I drop my Oreo and groan, burying my face in Jin's neck. The pain is bad. Like my insides are being shredded and roughly put back together.
       "Baby? You okay?"
       I don't look up as Hoseok leans over the couch. He's got like a sixth sense for when I'm in pain. He's always around to try to help me through it. "Mhm."
       Sighing, he walks around and helps me to my feet. Urging me towards the bedroom. I feel tears soaking my cheeks as my breathing becomes harsh pants. My knees buckling.
       He pushes me on the bed and strips me naked, tugging both our clothes off in a frantic rush. I whimper as my legs are spread wide and he climbs on top of me, pinning me down. I cry as my fluids wet the bed and he begins kissing my lips. "Hold on to me." He murmurs, positioning himself and sliding in.
       I wince and clench his biceps, my nails digging in. My muscles tighten around him and I shudder. Nausea rising up. I shake my head frantically but he shushes me, cooing and pushing the sweaty hair out of my face. "I c-can't...please..."
        He thrusts slowly and deeply, gentle and unhurried, kissing me just as slow and languid. His hands rubbing my thighs and stomach soothingly. "Let me make it better. It's almost over. Before you couldn't get out of bed or let me touch you without getting sick but now look how good you're doing." He whispers, sucking on my neck.
       I wail as he prods my sweet spot exceptionally hard.
       "Oh baby, that feel good, huh? Did I hit the sweet spot, hm?" He coos, moaning and quickening his pace. "You feel so good. So wet and tight for me."
       I nod, squeezing my eyes closed in embarrassment as I cling to him, my body tensing up. The nausea rolling over me as my climax soars and I cry out, shuddering as I cum.
        He curses, grasping my hips and pounding into me, grunting and growling as he works towards his own climax. His lips crashing down on mine forcing my lips open and tangling his tongue with my own.
       I try to hold it back, I really do. I cling to him, whimpering, as tears spear my eyes. He groans and slaps his hips against mine roughly, filling me up to the brim, his knot forcing its way inside me, past the tight ring of  muscles and deep inside my guts.
       I force my head away from him, pushing him away abruptly, and throw up. I sob, never feeling more miserable in my entire life. My body clenches around him as he pants hotly above me, forced to remain inside me through it yet still trying to hold my hair back and soothe me through my sickness.
       "Baby, it's okay. Don't cry. It's not your fault."
       "I'm s-sorry. I'm d-disgusting and ugly and can't do a-anything right. I can't even mate right." I break down.
       He sighs and reaches for a discarded shirt to wipe my face. He gentle rolls us away from the mess and holds me tightly on his chest. Our bodies still connected. He throbs inside me and it hurts.
        He kisses my forehead as I allow the cool air calm me, closing my eyes and trying to relax. "It will pass."
       I sniffle. "It won't. I'm not good for you, this proves it. You should just l-leave me."
       His grip tighten around me, rubbing my back. "I promise you that this happens a lot. I'm so sorry they didn't warn you. Mating isn't easy for omegas. You're body has to go through so much. I will be here right here with you through it all and you have never once been disgusting or ugly. You're beautiful and, believe it or not, you glow. How you feel on the inside doesn't reflect on the outside."
       He snorts. "I don't have to lie. You can just look in a mirror."
       I pout. "We've done this everyday, a few times a day, since my heat. It's never getting better. I c-can't please you. Maybe my body isn't meant for this." I argue quietly.
       He pauses. "Do you hate it? Hate me making love to you? Am I forcing you into this?"
       I shake my head, blushing. "N-no. I mean, I hate getting sick and feeling awful but...but you make me feel good, too."
       He kisses my head. "You'll look so beautiful carrying my pups."
       I tense, frowning up at him. "W-What?"
       He gives me a look. "Baby, I've cum inside you at least fifty times by now. I think it's safe to say you're carrying my pups." He reaches between us to rub my flat stomach.
       My eyes widen in realization. "If I can't handle this mating how am I supposed to handle being pregnant?!"
       "With me, by your side, taking care of you."
       "I'm scared."
      "Baby, I'm right here. I will not leave your side no matter how many times you throw up on me or hit me or curse at me." He raises his brows suggestively.
       I snort. "You're a freak."
      "You like it, don't lie."
      "I like you. That's all I'll admit to." I mumble. "You're still weird, though."
       His knot finally releases and I groan as he slips out, my thighs immediately becoming wet and sticky.
       He smiles at me. "Oh baby, you're so good for me." He coos.
       I blink. "Huh?"
      "You didn't get sick again. You've only thrown up once today. I told you it was almost over."
       I swallow, trying to feel the same familiar nausea but it doesn't come. I actually...feel pretty good. The first time I feel normal in almost a week.
       He stares up at me reassuringly as I straddle his hips. His hands smoothing down my thighs. "Better?"
       I nod mutely. "I'm hungry."
      "Go take a bath while I clean up this mess. I'll bring you food after I make the sheets, okay?"
       I nod, feeling shy and thankful as he pulls on some shorts and bunches up the nasty sick covered sheet so I don't have to see them. He winks at me and gets to work as I walk slowly into the bathroom and start the tub, my butt needing relief. It hurts so much.
       As I wait for the water to fill, I stare at my reflection in the mirror and blink. I don't think I've ever looked this good. My normal pale skin is flushed and vital, my hair shiny and soft looking and my body...I rest my hand on my stomach and try to imagine it getting really big with pups.
       Am I really pregnant? Maybe not. Maybe being so sick lately will discourage my body from reproducing. I don't think I'm ready yet.

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